The Green Clan

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The Green Clan is a family of parahumans that consists entirely out of mercenaries spread out over the US West Coast. All of them have a power related to stomach acids and classifies as Blasters and/or Trumps in one way or another. Their trademark is to never break the Code and to uphold a reputation of being respectable business partners. Out of the 12 active members Chloride is the only Green Clan cape currently residing in Ashton.

Gang Sheet


Fan-made family tree (for glorious full resolution)

The Greens are a family of parahuman mercenaries dating back to 1985 when the 25 year old Deborah Green triggered during the Grenada peace-keeping mission. When she returned, battle scarred and traumatized, she was just like so many other returning soldiers left high and dry by the state. Work outside the armed forces was scarce as she didn't have a formal education and soon she resorted to loan sharks to get by.

But with the spirit that later would signify the Greens she didn't give up and instead used her best qualities to carve out a new living for herself. The combination of her power - a beam bile that could corrode a inch thick steel plate in two minutes flat - her training as a soldier, and her stubborn mentality soon gave her a reputation as a reliable soldier of fortune. In time she got and fostered three children with various men, all which budded off her Shard and was trained from childhood to become a mercenary like herself.

In 2002 Spitter was captured by the Protectorate during a break-out from a prison transport to the McNair Indefinite Detention Center for Parahuman Offenders. They had studied her patterns during her two earlier hits on the convoys and devised a cunning plan to counter her tactics.

Now the Green Clan on the rise once more, with most of Spitter's grandchildren emerging as capes and following in her footsteps. Bile still look back at the “good old days” but in truth they’re more powerful and renowned than ever before with more than twice as many active capes all pulling their straw to the Clan’s reputation.

There's no central leadership but everyone looks up to Gall and Key Chain when it comes to calling the shots when assembled. Bile retired eight years ago after becoming a triple amputee and now host biannual family diners so we're all quite close even if half of them have left San Francisco and are spread out over the US West Coast.

Equipment and Resources

A family trust that everyone contributes to every month to use in case of emergency, but otherwise only their pooled private funds.

Most prefer close combat weapons such as bats, machetes and axes together with equipment that enhance their powers like tank and hose or hazmat suits. Bile also have - to everyone else's mortification - three naval mines buried in the driveway.

They preference of armour range from simple stab vests to full riot gear depending on their personality and they use their private vehicles.


Words: "Better to play it smart and live to see the paycheck than grab for an early death"

Date of Creation: 1993

Members List: Spitter (currently in the Vault), her four children Bile, Gall, Key Chain and Cascade, and her grandchildren Solvent, Arson, Chloride, Fat Maggie, Prince George, Stuck, Green Lily and Salty Peter. Here's an album with pictures of all the family members.

Gang Rap Sheet: Robbery, Drug Trafficking, Arson, Assault, Burglary, Theft, Kidnapping, Vandalism, Manslaughter and Racketeering.

Gang Tag: N/A

Uniform: N/A