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Author /u/spider_dream23
Pronouns he/him
Civilian name Hank Davis
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Noncanon (Las Vegas)
PRT Classification Brute, Striker,
Status Noncanon

He served roughly 20 years as a protectorate Hero, briefly in Devilfish and the rest of his the time, in the Vegas Protectorate. Known as reliable and a good leader, though he did lack the charisma some other heroes tend to have.

The emergence of Refraction did not help his reputation at all in this regard.

Got overwhelmed and later slowly ripped to pieces by Famine’s minions, Refraction unable to help.. to safe his Dad…

Character Sheet


1,93 m height, blue eyes and blond hair. Surrounds himself with golden hardlight armor, sometimes in multiple layers, making him seem bigger than he actually is. Most of the time his armor is bright enough, that nobody would look at him directly. Armor looks somewhat chivalrous, completed with a sword, spear or bow.


He is rather strict, with a great sense of responsibilities, at least that’s the image he conveys. Being a responsible Hero first and a father second. Rarely at home, he tends to treat his son more as an inconvenience, than family. Not intentionally, but more because he has just no clue how to be a father, shifting his responsibilities to neighbors and friends while he stays away.

He constantly works his ass of, and covers for his teammates, doing much more than he needed to, mostly as an excuse to avoid anything that would await him at home.

As somewhat of an control freak, he would give out orders to his son, just like he would command his teammates. Always emphasizing, what one should do to help others.

Starlight somewhat mellowed out after Chuck triggered, putting them much closer then previously. Though he still had the tendency to give out orders, always telling Refraction what he should do. The duo constantly antagonizing each other but still cooperating surprisingly well.


Starlight is able to manifest hardlight constructs, usually in the form of golden armor and weapons. Constructs have a similar durability than steal, while constantly giving off light and heat. They are hard to look at and can turn hot enough to melt through concrete.

Constructs would shatter like glass if he loses his hold and each time they get destroyed, it takes longer to make more.