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Author /u/Magos_Nashoid
Civilian name Melanie Malcone
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Noncanon (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Thinker
Born (2001-06-15) June 15, 2001 (age 23)
Ashton, Washington
Status Noncanon

None Yet

Character Sheet


Melanie out of costume.

Melanie is a teenage girl, with a distinct appearance, primarily this is due to possessing Albinism, but secondly because she is very athletic for a college freshman. Melanie has short white hair. She generally wears dark clothes of a more casual variety.

Skillset’s costume consists of a full-body jumpsuit with lots of pockets for gear, she wears a pair of durable goggles that can mostly only ever be glimpsed from under her costume because of slight reflections of the lenses. Usually she wears a surplus kevlar vest (type 2) with the outfit.


Melanie has a very straight forward view of the world, she has a seemingly unwavering confidence regarding her own actions. The kind of person who doesn’t hesitate to ask someone out if she has a crush on them. The kind of person who can ask for a raise at work without batting an eye. She isn’t arrogant, although some people may get this impression, she just doesn’t really feel much at all in the way of social anxiety, even the normal amount that most people experience.


Wealth Level: 4 (personal) 6 (Family)

Has a decent allowance for helping around the house, lives in a pretty nice house, has an electric scooter, and a conventional bicycle.

Works part time at her parents rather popular restaurant.


  • Homemade costume (Customized Military-surplus Flight-suit)
  • Military surplus Kevlar vest (type 2)
  • Homemade First Aid Kit (Approx EMT-Quality)
  • Surplus Police Baton
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Burner Phone
  • Bagh nakh (Claw weapon from India) (Ordered online)


Trigger type: Single Natural Trigger

Melanie possesses the ability to copy (not steal) any individual's most proficient skill by making physical contact (20 Seconds) or direct unbroken eye contact (35 Seconds) This has no negative effect on the person who's skill has been copied.

What counts as 'Most proficient' can vary from person to person, its usually either the skill with the highest amount of technical skill involved, alternatively it can be the skill that a person is most proud of/uses the most. (whatever is best for the narrative)

(If the person’s most proficient skill is worse than a previously copied version of that skill, it will move down the list of person’s most proficient skills till it finds a skill that is new (or a better version of a previously copied skill)

While Melanie can copy the most proficient skill from any unpowered person only once, she can copy the skills of a powered individual more than once, although she has a 2 month (IRL time) cooldown between being able to copy skills from an individual a second time (or third, or fourth, etc, etc)

Her power has a higher than average mental influence over her behavior, mainly in the form of strong compulsions to practice and hone her current skills, as well as to ‘encourage’ her to collect new ones on a semi-regular basis.

Her power helps her organize these skills into distinct categories, using a 5 pip system (in the vein of Chronicle of Darkness skills)

This is primarily to keep things simple and easy from a Meta and Approval stand point. Some of the categories may have some crossover, or sub-categories for things that may be too broad for one category

Skills and Specializations

Skill Skill Level Copied From Date / Event Acquired
Cooking •••Professional (NPC) Mother Character Creation
Driving •••Professional (NPC) Paramedic Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
First Aid ••••Experienced (NPC) Paramedic Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Sewing •••Professional (NPC) Grandma Character Creation
Gymnastics ••Novice (NPC) School Friend Character Creation
Coding •Hobbyist (NPC) Best Friend Beth Character Creation
Parkour •Hobbyist (NPC) Older Brother Damian Character Creation
Mathematics (Accounting) •••Professional (NPC) Father Character Creation
Survival (Urban) •Hobbyist (NPC) Homeless Man Character Creation
Survival (Forest) ••Novice (NPC) Grandpa Character Creation
Firearms (Rifles) ••••Experienced Division Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Firearms (Pistols) ••Novice (NPC) School Police Officer Character Creation
Blunt Weapons (Batons) ••Novice (NPC) School police officer #2 Character Creation
Linguistics (Spanish) •••Professional (NPC) Spanish Teacher Character Creation
Woodworking •••Professional (NPC) Shop Teacher Character Creation
Teaching (Highschool Level) •••Professional (NPC) Math Teacher Character Creation
Skateboarding ••Novice (NPC) Classmate Character Creation
Basketball •Hobbyist (NPC) Classmate Character Creation
Bladed Weapons (Claw Weapons) ••••Experienced Misfit School is back in session!
Linguistics (Mandarin) •••Professional (NPC) Civilian Running around Town
Linguistics (Arabic) •••Professional (NPC) Civilian Running around Town
Trading Card Games ••••Experienced (NPC) Civilian Running around Town
Singing ••••Experienced Nitro Running around Town
Linguistics (Japanese) •••Professional (NPC)Paramedic Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Creative Writing ••••Experienced (NPC) Registered Nurse Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Memorization ••••Experienced (NPC) Surgical Assistant Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Trauma Medicine ••••Experienced (NPC) Trauma Doctor [1]
Cycling •••Professional (NPC) Trauma Doctor Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Diorama ••Novice (NPC) Trauma Doctor Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Linguistics (German) •••Professional (NPC) Registered Nurse Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Trauma Surgery ••••Experienced (NPC) Trauma Surgeon Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Photo Editing ••Novice (NPC) Surgical Assistant Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
History (World War Two) •••Professional (NPC) Phlebotomist Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Lab Analysis (Tissue Samples) •••Professional (NPC) Lab Technician Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Lab Analysis (Medical Scans) •••Professional (NPC) X-ray Technician Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.
Music Theory ••••Experienced (NPC) Respiratory Therapist Have you ever watched Scrubs? Its Kinda like that but with a lot more blood, anyway the Janitor was the best character don't @ me.


Bladed Weapons (Claw Weapons) is applicable to both actual claws if I obtain them via power shenanigans, or to claw-like weapons (Push Daggers, Bagh nakh, Karambit, Bladed-Brass Knuckles)

Examples of Skill levels

Skill Level Description
•Hobbyist A Character at this level would be on par with a someone who has a

higher than normal interest in the subject, and has read about the subject at length, but has little in the way from practical experience. has good, solid odds of winning if the subject is chosen for Trivia night. might have been a boy scout / girl scout and attended summer camp once or twice. Might have gone camping on occasion with dad/grandpa as a kid.

••Novice A character at this level is probably a regular wilderness camper or

hiker. She can care for himself while lost in the wilderness for a few days.

•••Professional At this level, a character has spent a great deal of time out in the

elements. He might have gone on wilderness excursions in Alaska, worked in a national park, or have been forced to fend for himself on the streets for weeks at a time.

••••Experienced At this rank, a character can care for a small group of people in the

wilderness, keeping them fed, healthy, and safe until they are found or they have a chance to return to civilization.

•••••Expert Barring a disaster, a character at this rank could live off the land

indefinitely. She may not be particularly comfortable, but she can take care of necessities.

Skill Level
•Hobbyist A Character at this level would be on par with a someone who has a

higher than normal interest in the subject, and has read about the subject at length, but has little in the way from practical experience. has good, solid odds of winning if the subject is chosen for Trivia night. May have grown up in a family of Hunting enthusiasts, or a Military family, but never taken as much of an interest.

••Novice A Character at this level has spent time at the range, and understands

basic maintenance and safety. She may be a very good shot on the range, but is unused to shooting in the chaos of an actual conflict

•••Professional This Character is a decent shot, and shoots on a regular basis. He may

be a hunter, or perhaps a law enforcement officer who keeps his skills up, but has rarely fired his weapon in the line of duty.

••••Experienced A Character at this level knows a great deal about guns, and is an

excellent shot. She has almost certainly shot someone in an actual fight, likely more than once.

•••••Expert Snipers, sharpshooters, and highly-graded military shooters are

generally at this Skill rank. A character with four dots in Firearms is an uncannily good shot, whether on the range or in the field.

Skill Level Description
•Hobbyist A Character at this level may have had lots of experience avoiding

bullies in school and was pretty decent at it, maybe they had practice sneaking out of the house in highschool without waking their parents or the family dog.

••Novice A character with this level knows how to find a shadowy corner to hide in, or how to blend into a crowd.
•••Professional At this level, a character can follow someone without tipping them off or sneak past a sentry.
••••Experienced A character at this level is rarely seen unless she wishes to be. She

can evade people actively searching for her and has experience losing someone tailing them.

•••••Expert A character at this level can avoid being noticed on security cameras in the heart of London. He can disappear from sight in moments.
Skill Level Description
•Hobbyist Passed the driver's test without much issue, may be a pizza

delivery-driver who is always on-time, might be a decent uber driver. usually remembers to use her turn signals.

••Novice A character with this level of the Skill keeps his head when driving in

dangerous weather or treacherous road conditions, and anyone trying to run him off the road will find it surprisingly difficult.

•••Professional A character at this level could find work as a truck driver or cabby.

She has driven in just about every type of weather condition at one time or another.

••••Experienced Race car drivers and stuntmen have this level of experience driving.
•••••Expert At this level, a character can handle a high-speed chase in downtown traffic or drive through a war zone without blinking.
Unarmed Brawling
Skill Level Description
•Hobbyist Won most of the school-yard fights they were involved with. Took karate

classes as a kid, but never made it to black belt before losing interest. knows how to throw a punch without breaking their thumb like an idiot.

••Novice This level of Brawl represents knowledge of self-defense, a good

situational awareness, and enough experience (or the right attitude) to get the character through a mugging or two.

•••Professional A character with two dots of Brawl has been in many fights or has

trained for a number of years. She knows how to handle herself in a fight.

••••Experienced Well-trained fighters or veterans of many back-alley brawls have this

rank. A character at this level can probably compete in tournaments (or Pit-fights), and handle just about anybody who tries to pick a fight with her at the local bar.

•••••Expert Special forces soldiers or champion MMA fighters have Brawl at this

level. A character with this level can handle himself in almost any situation.