Princess George

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Princess George
Author /u/FlashyAmoeba
Alignment Villain
Affiliation None (Unknown)
PRT Classification Master/Stiker
Status Lore

Character Sheet


Equipment and Resources


Skills and Specializations




Princess George they were a Master/Stiker. Never really fit in well with the team. They had a weird power, very image unfriendly somewhat ironically. They had this aura around them that constantly drew attention to them. Made people desire to be closer to her and become receptive to her point of view. Iron Urn hated her for constantly stealing his thunder. Things got weird when she stabbed someone, was able to take control of them. Slowly but surely. It lasted a long time, weeks even. A fact she lied to us about, downplayed it as lasting hours at most. She was let go around ‘08, There was about a decades worth of accusations of power misusage, Nothing that could be proved, but it started to cost the department too much. Last I heard she was something of a mercenary, signing on with any indie team that will take her.