Enders of Bringers

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In Ashton forest, there's said to be a treehouse two decades old. Built on top of a large oak with branches long as they are wide. At the base of the tree lies a series of stones, each one baring the name of a past member. Here is the home of the Enders of Endbringers. The first members of the group came together in the early 90s, shortly after the Endbringers began to attack. They were young kids from different walks of life. Sadly; now 20 odd years later, they hardly can remember their time as an Ender.

The rules of being an Ender were simple:

  1. Enders have to be brave. This was usually a night in a haunted house, or making it to the center of Wardentree Lake.
  2. Enders have to be smart. Had to find Fort Bastion on your own, or solve some riddles.
  3. Ender has to vouch for any new members. Usually done when someone was leaving, exceptions were made of course.
  4. No Adults. Anyone over the age of 18 had to take the Forever Walk. They would get one final night of remembrance among the group and then they would leave Fort Bastion without looking back.
  5. No Girls Allowed. Rule was stricken in 92 after Laura Cooper showed up with the nail of an Endbringer. The same one that hit Ashton that year. She was in. She was SO in.

Strangely enough, while a couple dozen adults can remember their time as an Ender. They even share a story or two of their time at the tree house... None of them remember where Fort Bastion was. They know when they walked away they left that part of them behind and they can never go back...

Now the Enders count about roughly two dozen members, kids, all of them... and a few of them? Few of them got something real neat. Even neater than a John Everyman signed comic book.

Name: Gilbert Bears a.k.a Vigil

Age: 17

Description: The biggest kid on the block. He's got a football scholarship, and has gone to Christ Peak for years. Nicest guy you could meet.

Power: Light constructed force fields/domes. Preferred is a shield. He can make these constructs into geometric shapes only, within a short range of himself. They are a bit stronger than a brick wall and emit light. They stay up as long as Vigil is able to maintain them

Bio: The De facto Leader Gilbert has always been a gentle giant type. He put his faith in God, did his Sunday prayers, helped out around the family. His homework was always done on time. Didn't say anything when the priest called him into the rectory and...

His faith was shattered and subsequently restored that day. Now he believes his power is a gift from above and meant to protect others with it. He hasn't mentioned it to anyone though, since he's afraid of what would happen when his parents and the rest of the church group found out. At least he's got the Enders.

Name: Sarah Marston

Age: 16

Description: Goth girl, pale skin, black lipstick. She's almost a carbon copy of Death the Endless

Power: Shadow-Dancer. She can slip through any shadow, moving in and out of any within line of sight for her. She can also see through darkness as a byproduct of her power.

Bio: No mom, just her dad. Her asshole, drunk, father. Racist, or at least she has to hear about how much he hates everyone every day of her life. She stopped going to school, he didn't care. In fact when he beat her over it, it wasn't even because she stopped, it was because the school kept reaching out and he was tired of it all. She had to leave, find someplace she can slip away to... when she fell into the darkness, it was her chance.

Name: Ned Gunderson

Age: 15

Description: Nerd. Thick coke bottle glasses, he's tall and lanky for his age and with a hoarse laugh that can be heard for a mile.

Power: Tinker. Specializing in one time use devices. He's not very creative and all of his stuff is based off of D&D Spells.

Bio: Ned loved games. D&D was his favorite. His older brother taught him how to play, and it was what kept him and his group of friends together. Whenever things would go wrong, his brother Anthony would help him. He learned life lessons through Ralgar the fighter, Monstaff the wizard, and Bert the gnome bard. When the divorce came, it was through the campaigns that he was able to deal with it all...

But when Anthony didn't come home one night, he had nothing. Anthony had been hit by a drunk driver and Ned fell into the campaign, trying desperately to find a conclusion, anything to help him get through this tough time? But he couldn't. Not this time. Not without his brother. How could he save the princess now? How could he defeat the dragon? What was he going to do with out him? Ned triggered, cradling his books, alone, in his room.

Name: Molly Nickles

Age: 14

Description: Girl Scout, always has dirt somewhere on her, carries a first aid kit wherever she goes.

Power: Plant manipulator. Plants grow and bloom rapidly around her as a passive effect. She can make them turn into lashing vines, constricting brambles...grow them to enormous sizes even

Bio: Molly was a problem child. If she had a freckle for each fight she got into, she would need even more. When Camp Wardentree was assaulted months ago she was leading her friends away when a strange woman approached her. Not knowing who she was, she steeled her eyes and pulled her swiss army knife, screaming at the others to run. This little girl, who lead her friends away from a group of very bad men, who was determined to meet everything with a fight... The woman smiled as a matron would and knelt so she was eye level with her, offering her an apple that shined with golden light... Molly faintly remembers what happened next, but when she woke up she could hear the call of the forest.

It's a shame though that nobody believes her though when she says Fort Bastion's tree talks to her.