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Author /u/RelapsingThinker
Civilian name Wanda Pharrell
Alignment Villain
Affiliation Noncanon ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
PRT Classification Stranger, Shaker, Striker, ,
Born (1997-10-31) October 31, 1997 (age 26)
Lansing, Michigan
Status Noncanon

The information about Empress is rather skewed due to the nature of the abilities. Of the appearances they have made the most notable one was at Ashton State University. There was a fog that appeared at the Gamma Phi Beta sorority house. Only thing that was documented after was that people began to be propelled out of the house only damaging the house and not themselves. Witnesses inside report of some unknown figure appearing right before they sent flying out of the house.

Character Sheet


She has dark brown skin with natural hazel brown eyes. Her hair has dyed midnight blue, but her true hair color shows in her dark brown eyebrows. She has a small mark that cuts through her right eyebrow. She isn’t really tall with her just being around five feet and four inches. Her build stands out a bit with her small stature being complimented with muscle. Her civilian wear leans a bit street wear with a mix of crop tops, denim jackets, and jeans. Her shoewear is a mix between Yeezy 350’s and Vans.

Her costume is a makeshift cloak that is composed of a fur color and oversized track jacket that hangs down to her upper thigh. Underneath she is wearing a crimson red crop top ,and for pants she is wearing dark red techwear. Her shoewear consists of some blue vans with gold embroidered. Her face is painted with a dark red paint going over the upper half of her face.

Equipment and Resources

  • She has a spray can filled with Urushiol mixture to create a spray on poison ivy.
  • A eight inch knife that she keeps strapped to her back under her cloak.
  • Burner Phone

Skills and Specializations

  • Has understanding of Physics
  • Knows some hand to hand combat
  • Fluent in French
  • Skilled at Mathematics


She is a balancing act of her desires and logic. She never wants to go back to that content little girl that she was before her trigger. She wants more to be more than just a shadow following behind others. However, she can tell that she is changing into something she could hate. That is something she is willing and accepting of because now she is in control of herself. That control is part of her desire and without it she falls back on the crouches of her old insecure self.

Her power has been the main source of her confidence and pride. This pushes her to try and cultivate and learn more about it which is very like her old self. She hasn’t fully escaped the Wanda that enjoys learning and creating connections between things ,but she is tainting those pure ambitions with each action she takes as Empress.

She has a close connection to her shard which shows in this persona she has taken after her trigger. This isn’t just a one sided influence as she unknowingly sees her power as something not entirely hers. Which has her seek refuge in her abilities like that of a partner when she is down.


Empress is a Stranger/Striker with a minor Shaker/Stranger ability.

Empress can manifest a mist that conceals the area completely stopping senses (including powered ones) from perceiving the inside. The mist covers a forty foot radius around her.While her mist is active around her, she gains access to her Striker ability. Within this mist she is concealed by the mist until she triggers it which then it completely disperses from around her.

Her striker ability manifests as a jagged blade composed of dark geometric shapes that seem to infinitely overlap with each other. She can only manifest this sword for a second. However when it hits a living creature no matter the size, they are knocked back sixty feet in the direction the Empress was swinging in. This knock back doesn’t harm the individual ,but this protection doesn’t extend to objects or others who are hit by the person being knocked back.

Power Details:

  • The Knockback sends the person flying back 40mph and exactly 60 feet unless they hit something that they wouldn’t break through upon impact.
  • When she moves while her shaker field is active it moves with her like a rolling fog.
  • She must wait ten seconds for her to reuse her Striker ability.
  • When it comes to power trying to perceive through the mist there is nothing but static as feedback.


Wanda grew up in a rather normal household in Michigan with both of her parents. However, she could never be satisfied with that. She always wanted to be someone people envied and needed. She wanted just her presence to give people worth like that of the popular kids in her school. So she chased after them in an attempt to work her way up the social ladder that was high school ,but each time she never made it. Her nature clashed with the materialistic views of the people she wanted to be. She was very intelligent and found herself lost in her studies while others were busy partying with friends. This side of her that enjoyed simpler things and learning was one she hated and tried to push away.

It wasn’t until Ashton State Univeristy that she decided to fully throw away who she was for someone who she thought she wanted to be. This led her to joining a sorority ,Gamma Phi Beta, and here she felt like she was that shining star that she always wanted to be. She would walk the campus with her sisters and the attention people paid to her along with her name carrying some weight was bliss for her. She even found herself letting out some of her personal secrets to the people who she was growing to trust like family.

This was all tossed on its head when she was at one of the weekly parties. There was this toast for the new sisters that joined. After a few minutes of downing her drink she found herself growing dizzy and out of it. This continued as she was unable to notice what was happening as she and the other new sisters were directed out of the house into trucks. It was all just a fun ride with people who she trusted. Then the truck arrived at the broken down building and inside was a crowd of other members of the sorority and some students who went to the college. As her mind slowly started to clear up, she noticed that each new sister was led up to a makeshift stage where a bright spotlight was shined down on them. The audience would be belittle and try to provoke a reaction from the girl. By the time, her anxiety could trigger at this realization she was being pulled forward and onto the stage. The bright light in her eyes made it hard to see anyone in the crowd but their voices echoed through the building. The secrets that she shared were weaponized against her alongside talks of her past. The confidence that she had built was shattered ,and she attempted to just run from all of this. But then she saw that people were moving to block her exit. This is what sent her over and her panic rose to a point where she triggered with her fist clenched and tears running down her face.