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Name: Rig Mk2 Hermes

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

With the new Elysian Steel exterior, the Rig has a gold coloration that is accented by a darker gunmetal color. The "Hermes" model as it's known is smaller than the original Rig, coming in at 6'6 rather than 7'0, and has a more elegant design, with gentle curves and elegant swoops designed for minimum drag. The LEDs from the original design are still in place, but are placed to make the suit appear less menacing than the original, giving it more of a divine glow.

Functions & Abilities:

Hermes is much lighter and better-designed than the Rig 1.0, allowing it to achieve speeds of up to 200 mph. It gains speed fast, reaching its top speed in under six seconds. The new Hermes armor is capable of carrying three Augmentation Cores that affect how the armor works, as well as four standard cores that have powered effects. When one of the standard cores is activated, the armor enters a sort of Breaker state where it coats itself in the effect of the core.

The armor can swap from one breaker state straight to another. In any state, it is still capable of using the Augmentation Cores.

The Hermes now acts as an exosuit, providing power and stability to the wearer’s movements, allowing even someone fully paralyzed to walk and move as normal. It also has a neural-link headpiece that allows the wearer to control the suit with thoughts rather than motions.

Duration/Shelf life:

Gets weekly maintenance, but doesn't need much outside of after-battle repair.

Name: Flame Core

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

Steel baseball-sized sphere with red LED lines along its surface

Functions & Abilities:

When activated, scarlet flames coat the Hermes armor, Zipdash is capable of striking with flame-covered fists or sending fireballs and torrents of flame at opponents. Anyone attempting to strike the armor in melee will be severely burned by the heat. Being an intangible form, it leaves the armor exposed in the middle of the fire.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Barrier Core

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

Steel baseball-sized sphere with amber LED lines along its surface

Functions & Abilities:

Coats the armor in thick ice that is extremely hard to punch through. Zipdash can shape the ice to form spikes or other weapons to hit opponents, and can shoot shards of ice at opponents from a distance. She can also produce a cone of cold that will coat opponents in ice over time.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Ice Core

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

Steel baseball-sized sphere with dark blue LED lines on the surface

Functions & Abilities:

The armor produces blue electricity around it. Zipdash is capable of throwing bolts of lightning or sending out wide arcs of electricity, as well as striking with electrified fists. While the armor is exposed, anyone trying to attack in melee is going to get shocked.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Acid Core

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

Baseball-sized steel sphere with bright green LED lines on the surface

Functions & Abilities:

Creates a cloud of highly corrosive acid around the suit. Along with the striker applications, Zipdash is capable of blasting a line or cone of acid fifteen feet-long, with the cone being ten feet wide at the far end. This acid will eat through almost anything it touches. Anyone attacking in melee will have to deal with the acid.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Flight Augmentation Core

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

Baseball-sized steel sphere with white LEDs on the surface

Functions & Abilities:

Allows wearer to fly at speeds of up to 200 MPH. Inexplicably not affected by gravitational forces.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Inertial Shift Augmentation Core

Created By: Zipdash

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

Baseball-sized steel sphere with red LEDs on the surface

Functions & Abilities:

While slotted into one of the three core slots, the core allows the Hermes model to change inertia instantly, literally stopping or turning on a dime, without the suit or its wearer being torn apart by insane G-forces. Conveniently, this also helps absorb physical blows to the armor.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Elysian Steel (Stable)

Created By: Phalanx

Created For: Zipdash

Physical Description:

A Meta-Material alloy that has an appearance somewhere between gold and bronze, though it is somewhat more dull and less-reflective

Functions & Abilities:

A Tinker-Meta material supplied by Phalanx's shard for armor plating, weaponry, and general construction purposes.

Its physical properties are akin to high-grade steel, with any small differences being negligible. With Its most notable and unique property being that it is entirely 100% non-conductive, and does not rust. Making it all but immune to electrical attacks.

Produced by Phalanx in large batches that can be stored in one of two ways, Ingots that can be melted down by himself or allies for later use in special molds, or in large containers of metallic powder for use in a metal 3d printer.

Duration/Shelf life: Shelf Stable, No Maintenance.