Denver:Sister Steel/Equipment

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Name: Humane Insight

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

An implant located at the bottom of Sister Steel’s brain stem.

Functions & Abilities:

This is Sister Steel’s focal piece of technology. A combat/data processing program meant to analyze the state of combat and help point out incoming attacks and where to strike to Sister Steel. As well as once combat is over, give her combat data to use to create modules for her tech.

It can also directly influence her brain chemistry. Filling her with dopamine and similar feel-good hormones to incentivise combat and staying in combat.

Duration/Shelf life: N/A

Name: Songbird’s Tone

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

A replacement for Sister Steel’s voicebox.

Functions & Abilities:

The Songbird’s Tone allows Sister Steel to modify her voice. Allowing her to make her voice unrecognizable and speak clearly regardless of pain or her emotional state. Its main function though is to allow Sister Steel to emit a piercing shriek with a similar frequency to the fluid contained in the vestibular system. Causing heavy vertigo and blurred vision within 5 meters and dizziness for up to 15. The Songbird’s Tone requires about 3 seconds of ‘charging’ to let out a scream, and lasts for about the same duration

The Songbird’s Tone also helps protect Sister Steel from sonic attacks. Generating its own tone to cancel out sonic attacks.

(Sonic attacks that are potent enough to cause direct damage can overpower this.)

Duration/Shelf life: N/A

Name: Silver Fang

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

A large armblade attached to Sister Steel’s right arm that spans the length of her elbow to a few centimeters past her fingertips, as well as ceramic plating for the surrounding area. Looking very brutalist altogether.

Functions & Abilities:

It’s a fairly simple piece. A large blade with an armored bracer that’s partially fused to Sister Steel’s arm while attached. Leaving it looking bulky and obviously modified, even while retracted.

The blade is made from hardened steel, but not particularly sharp. Compensated for with its heavy weight and momentum. The blade extending is decently slow and can break through most woods, if not thick hardwood if held up to it while extending.

Duration/Shelf life: N/A

Name: Hermit’s Shell

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

Metallic and muscle reinforcement for Sister Steel’s bones. Also comes with an external frame to attach to the internal.

Functions & Abilities:

The internal parts allow Sister Steel to carry 500 kg worth of stuff without real effort and maintain a running speed of 50 km/hr. Or 60 km/hr when sprinting.

The reinforcements to Sister Steel’s bones function as supports, helping protect her bones from breaking and keeping them mostly in place for easier fixing if broken anyway.

The external frame is just that. With the main function being to allow Sister Steel to attach things to herself that she cannot fit wholly into her body.

Duration/Shelf life: N/A

Name: Claw Module

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

Retracted, it looks quite similar to the Silver Fang's base state. If smaller and more compact. While extended, the Silver Fang instead has three smaller, very sharp blades in a triangular configuration. It is attached to Sister Steel’s right arm and while extended can spans the length of her elbow up to half a dozen centimeters past her fingertips. It also comes with ceramic plating for the surrounding area. Looking very brutalist altogether.

Functions & Abilities:

The claw module exchanges the large blade for a trio of smaller, much sharper blades. Intended for piercing into tougher surfaces, as well as internal shock absorbers to further protect the arm from shocks. These blades have been reinforced to the point that they will not bend or chip if swung directly into rock, steel, etc.

The blades can also 'contract' somewhat. Digging towards the center to cut or to allow Sister Steel to hold things in its grasp/hold on while clinging to a wall with it.

These blades extending isn't particularly forceful. Breaking through wood or enough to stab someone, but that's about it.

Issues fixed: Shocks potentially rendering arm unusable. Large blade is terrible for climbing and grip purposes.

Duration/Shelf life: N/A

Name: Acrobatics module

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

A closer fitting version of the Hermit's Shell frame. Encasing her in a metal frame. Her physique is also altered to look more lithe and muscled to go with internal reinforcements to her bones and muscles.

Functions & Abilities:

Sister Steel's bones are reinforced with steel supports to keep them in place in the case of a break, allowing them to (painfully) retain some use and be more easily fixed in the case of a break. Her muscles have been reinforced as well. Allowing her to deadlift around 500 kg of stuff and carry around her tech, as well as being highly flexible to not quite a contortionist's level, but she could reasonably practice turning now.

Her leg muscles have gotten the bulk of the enhancements though. Being able to jump a little over a story high with her tech on, and three without her frame and additional tech equipped. As well as helping her absorb shocks from falling from several stories up. It will remain painful, but if she lands right, she won't be truly hurt from them. Additionally, she can run 60 km/hr without much effort, or 75 km/hr when sprinting

Her body is encased in a relatively close-by metal frame (think the boundary lines of a hitbox in a game) that allows her to attach external tech to, though this frame will not be able to take particularly large and bulky tech. This frame has a few small, strategically placed jets to help Sister Steel oriented herself a little better while moving through the air and to help maintain balance if needed.

Issues fixed: Bulky frame and lack of mobility insufficient to close distance and pre-emptively strike shakers. Gravitational anomalies hindering balance.

Duration/Shelf life: N/A

Name: Skycrackers

Created By: Sister Steel

Created For: Sister Steel

Physical Description:

Internal tubing lining the inside of Sister Steel's arm, filled with tiny spheres, as well as a slightly blocky attachment for her arm overtop.

Functions & Abilities:

The Skycrackers come in three parts. The main one being black, marble sized spheres. These spheres can be remotely detonated by Sister Steel, or after a fuse timer of up to 4 seconds, set upon tossing. Being about the equivalent of a potent firecracker. They are more a hazard to one's hearing and eyesight. Acting like miniature flashbangs intended to hurt a bit and disorient than destroy and kill.

The attachment on her arm is relatively lightweight. Little more than a launcher for the Skycrackers, able to shoot up to six of them at once in a tight spread and reload by feeding directly from the internal tubing in her arm. Having an effective range of 30 meters before accuracy begins to drop.

The tubes in her arms are padded against shocks, as well as shielded against electricity and EMP based attacks. She may also have Skycrackers simply drop into her hand to toss when not wearing her launcher.

Duration/Shelf life: N/A