Denver:Galacterian Knight/Equipment

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Lunar Set

Name: Lunar Helm

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

A cool black metal knights helmet, complete with a visor she can pull up and down, though there's nothing inside. Its dotted with the same stars as the rest of her armour, with a bright silver full moon on her forehead and glowing white eyes.

Functions & Abilities:

The glowing white eyes aren't just for show, giving Alice perfect night vision whilst wearing this helmet, all shadows or areas of darkness are washed out to provide vision as if everything iw perfectly and equally well lit.

This helm can also become aspected by other pieces of gear, fire aspect gives her thermal vision to see heat signatures in objects and people within her normal line of sight, but not blocked by walls. Magnet aspect does the same but for electromagnetic signals rather than heat signatures

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Name: Lunar Legs

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

Alice's utility pair of legs, and once upon a time her strongest piece of tech, these can function as both a mobility aid and a weapon.

The same cool black metal knights armour with stars makes up these legs, with a crescent moon facing inwards on both knees and the soles of the feet.

Functions & Abilities:

The legs themselves are capable of functioning just like normal arms, they aren't any stronger or weaker than you'd expect, though a steel kick will always hurt more than a fleshy one.

The main utility ability of the Lunar legs is her gravity module, tinker tech can means they function as a personal form of gravity, either lessening gravity for higher jumps, referring gravity to gain quick bursts of movement, or selectively increasing gravity to attach onto flat surfaces to climb walls and roofs.

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Solar Set

Name: Solar Chestplate

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

Alice's combat chestplate, and the start of her aspects being used in series 1. The same cool black metal knights armour with stars dotting it is the base for this chestplate with the core being a blazing orb of overlaying magnetic fields.

Functions & Abilities:

The chestplate allows Alice to control magnetic fields in two big broad ways. She can either unleash a large blast about the size of a room to knock out all unshielded tech with an EMP, the effect quickly trailing off after that, or she can target a metal object nearby and magnetise herself to it, quickly causing herself to quickly become pulled to that object, no matter the mass of the object she picks she will always be the one pulled and at the same speed of about 1.5 times an Olympic sprinter.

This chestplate can also aspect her gear towards magnets.

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Name: Solar Arms

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

Alice's first creation, and the first part of her offensive armour set - Solar. A pair of sleek black metal arms. The tiny white dots on them are added in the creation process, not a matter of paint, and the orange orb embedded in the palms feels smooth and glossy to the touch like glass. Back when she first made them the thought of making a full set of each armor was a pipe dream but now it is coming to reality.

Functions & Abilities:

The arms themselves are capable of functioning just like normal arms, they aren't any stronger or weaker than you'd expect, though a steel punch will always hurt more than a fleshy one. The main offensive ability of Solar arms is their self ignition, a flashy ability thats less useful in actual combat. Alice's prosthetics are immune to these flames, and getting hit by a flaming steel fist has to do marginally more than a normal steel fist, right? Its at least useful for intimidation.

These arms supply Galacterian with the Fire aspect for pieces of her armour that can be aspected.

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Name: Solar Leggings

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

Alice's combat pair of legs and a great combo with her Lunar legs, attaching to a wall and firing from above.

The same cool black metal knights armour with stars makes up these plated leggings. There's a small seam at the knee joint that Galacterian can use to disconnect the rest of the leg. The inner of the leg reveals a short burst fire muzzle, with the disconnected leg popping up with a scope and a longer ranged muzzle.

Functions & Abilities: The legs themselves are capable of functioning just like normal arms, they aren't any stronger or weaker than you'd expect, though a steel kick will always hurt more than a fleshy one.

Each leg can be disconnected at the knee, turning into two different guns. The disconnected leg holds 5 shots which each need to be charged for a few seconds before firing, the muzzle glowing each time they are being charged. To recharge it needs to be reattached to her main body. The stump of the leg possesses a shorter ranged muzzle that can fire quick bursts of shots, but overheats if used too often. The muzzle cools down faster when the leg is reconnected, the sniper portion acting as a heat sink. The shots are laser based energy weapons, the burst fire ones packing as much impact as a a light punch with the heat of a hot drink. The sniper shots hit with enough force to crack hardwood and are hot enough to give first degree burns through clothes. The disconnected leg has 5 shots before being reconnected, each shot recharging over 5 minutes. The stump leg can fire up to 50 shots a minute at a rate of 4 per second before it overheats. If the gun overheats it takes 10 minutes to fully cooldown and become operational.

These legs can also become aspected by other pieces of gear. Fire Aspect turns the bolts into heat energy rather than kinetic, whilst Magnetic aspect allows shots to curve and be controlled mid flight.

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Planitar Set

Name: Planitar Helm

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

The same cool black metal knights armour with stars makes up this replacement head. The eyes glow blue from under her visor with a pair of blue planetary rings crossing over it aesthetically.

Functions & Abilities:

Whilst the Planitar helm is equipped GK gets warnings in incoming danger around her, the stars around her helm allow the freakshow brain inside to observe the environment and ping GK for incoming attacks. As a living creature it takes time to adjust to each opponent and becomes more and more accurate the more time she spend in combat with a particular foe. This helm is constantly active and wears on GK's body, further weakening her in her civilian life.

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Name: Planitar Chest

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

Alice's defensive chest plate, her highest tech piece of armour so far, these can be used to protect both herself and others!

The same cool black metal knights armour with stars makes up this chest, with a gold planet with Saturn like rings around it. When activated the golden rings extend out to orbit around the target.

Functions & Abilities:

The chest plate has the ability to bestow a protective field that will move with the person, including onto themselves. Golden rings will orbit them, creating a weak forcefield that will disrupt and block ranged attacks, although it provides no protection to melee attacks or esoteric attacks that can avoid passing through the rings, a barrage of fast ranged attacks can also overwhelm it.

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine

Name: Planitar Arms

Created By: Galacterian Knight

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

Alice's defensive set of arms, more useful than her Solar arms, these can be used to protect both herself and others!

A pair of sleek black metal arms. The tiny white dots on them are added in the creation process, not a matter of paint. The yellow saturn like rings extend from the wrist to the elbow joint, and can be detached to wield as proper shields

Functions & Abilities:

The arms themselves are capable of functioning just like normal arms, they aren't any stronger or weaker than you'd expect, though a steel punch will always hurt more than a fleshy one. The main defensive ability of the Planitar arms are her ring shields, a golden yellow colour these can be used to block attacks off the edge of her arm whilst keeping up a flurry of offensive blows, or can be detached to be wields as individual buckler shields, they can even be given to others to help defend them.

These arms can also become aspected by other pieces of gear. Fire aspect gives them a hard light edge, whilst Magnetic aspect allows them to bounce off metal objects and gain momentum

Duration/Shelf life:

3 Equips, Being used beyond that is fine