Denver:Doc Pulsar/Equipment

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Name: Nervous-Electric Radar Visor (NERV)

Created By: Doc Pulsar

Created For: Doc Pulsar

Physical Description:

A visor with a blue-tinted lense obscuring the wearer’s eyes from outside observation. Has a sci-fi aesthetic to it.

Functions & Abilities:

The NERV is capable of locating and keeping track of living entities, electronic devices, and wires/circuits by way of detecting electricity, be it electrical signals in the nervous system, ambient static electricity on a person/object, or electric current flowing through/in a device/wires. Works like x-ray vision but only on electricity-based things. Has HUD details to help distinguish different voltaic networks.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Freyr

Created By: Doc Pulsar

Created For: Doc Pulsar

Physical Description:

A small energy pistol meant as a ranged option, colored silver with white and blue accents.

Functions & Abilities:

Fires small projectiles consisting of semi-solid electricity. Upon contact, the electric current affects the target as normal, giving off shocks comparable to 5 mA, which is around the level of a standard stun gun. In essence, the pistol acts as a stun gun without wires.

Duration/Shelf life:

Shot limit of 10 before cooldown, runs out of charge at 30; can be recharged for repeated use

Name: Chainvolt

Created By: Doc Pulsar

Created For: Doc Pulsar

Physical Description:

A cylindrical device about the size of a small can of soda, colored a matte white.

Functions & Abilities:

Can be primed and given a set timer for detonation, ranging from ‘on impact’ to a maximum of five seconds after impact. Upon detonation, the Chainvolt discharges electricity in order to attempt to incapacitate the nearest target, before chaining to another target. The Chainvolt’s ‘chain’ limit is 3 targets.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: Mag Glove

Created By: Doc Pulsar

Created For: Doc Pulsar

Physical Description:

A lightweight matte white gauntlet of sorts with blue LED lights and silver accents.

Functions & Abilities:

Allows the user to manipulate metallic objects through electromagnetism, as if using telekinesis. The glove has a weight limit of 25 lbs.

Duration/Shelf life: