Denver:Denver PRT Regional HQ

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PRT Rocky Mountains Regional Headquarters

The PRT Rocky Mountains Regional Headquarters (PRT HQ for brevity) is a 15 story building with 3 subfloors, taking up the bulk of a city block.

The building is staffed by well over a thousand administrative and support staffers who work to keep the local department, and departments under the regional umbrella operating as smoothly as a monolithic bureaucracy can hope to.

PRT Troops operate out of the building as their primary deployment center, and the Denver Protectorate & Wards are stationed here, with on-site living quarters available, as well as much of their support & training facilities.

Floor Breakdown

Utility and parking garage (both for visitors and a secure section for staff vehicles). A small area has been set aside for power testing that may benefit from the subterranean environment. A set of tunnels leads to the neighboring courthouse, as well as certain nearby establishments to provide a means of discreet arrival for parahumans out of costume.
★First & Second Floor
Largely devoted to the Museum of the Protectorate, a collection of artifacts and memorabilia relating to America’s cape team. An expansive PRT PALS™ gift shop offers merchandise for both the local scene as well as the heroes and villains of the entire rocky mountain region. This is also the starting point for the bi-hourly tours.
★Third Floor
Devoted to public affairs, this floor contains a press room for briefings as well as offices for the less-flashy staff members of the Image Bureau. A collection of flashy conference rooms exist for interfacing with outside personnel. A segment of the floor is also set aside as a server room and IT support space.
★Fourth Floor & Fifth Floor
Local Operations Bureau is set up here, where the approximately 150 PRT troopers and their support personnel are situated. Includes offices, armories, training rooms, and all the other staples required to keep the city safe. Communications operates from here, providing dispatch services for both the PRT and Protectorate personnel. It also contains several holding cells to secure captured villains.
★Sixth Floor
Private living quarters for Protectorate and Ward heroes. Closed to the tour route. Provided with everything one could want for, including laundry facilities, a full kitchen, and a large common area for hanging out.
★Seventh Floor
Protectorate HQ. Training rooms, a swimming pool and gymnasium, and the so-called “War Room” for issuing briefings. Offices for the heroes are also provided. As the cornerstone of the public tour route, everything is sleek, flashy, and monitored at all times.
★Eighth Floor
Protectorate Support Offices. A floor dedicated to the dozens of unnamed staffers who handle the day to day mundane, allowing the heroes to focus on more pressing matters. This includes secretarial work as well as Image Services, a division dedicated to ensuring the civilian identities of the heroes remain confidential.
★Ninth & Tenth Floors
Image Bureau. Costume design and fabrication, as well as public relations coaching for the often-socially inept new recruits. They also handle costuming and Image for the myriad field offices too small to warrant a dedicated consultant.
★Eleventh & Twelfth Floors
Regional Operations Bureau, responsible for overseeing the entire Rocky Mountain district. Much like the Image Bureau below them, they also handle any services for smaller field offices and departments that don’t require onsite personnel.
★Thirteenth Floor
The thirteenth floor houses the “Tinker Nest”, laboratories, workshops, and storage space dedicated to the team’s Tinker members, along with a cadre of requisitions personnel and machinists to ensure smooth operations. It also houses the regional Intelligence Bureau’s offices, along with some space for visiting SWORDFISH capes.
★Fourteenth Floor
Administration. The Regional Director’s office along with the rest of the “Command-Suite” of the PRTRHQ.
★Fifteenth Floor
The top floor of the PRTRHQ is mostly utilities, although access is provided for a helipad, rooftop garden, and a communications mast.