Caedes |
Author |
/u/Much_Howl |
Civilian name |
Victor Atwood |
Alignment |
Villain |
Affiliation |
Noncanon (Devilfish) |
PRT Classification |
Tinker (Brute, Striker, Master), , |
Status |
Noncanon |
Victor Atwood is a very well-connected man. Hailing from an absurdly rich family with a history older than Ashton itself and roots stretching back all the way to British nobility, he and his family are prominent figureheads among Ashton’s social and wealthy elites.
His cape identity, Caedes, is not as of yet known.
Character Sheet
Standing tall with an athletic physique, the impeccably well-groomed Victor presents himself exceptionally well in public. Head held high, he is easily poised, dignified, and (whether intentionally or not) seems to suffuse an air of arrogance about him.
Victor’s cape identity, Caedes, combines a stylish cut and functionality in an intimidating mix of a heavy padded trench coat, fully functional gas mask, and ornate rapier. A combination of protective padding lining his coat and a cocktail of biotinker steroids gives him a bulkier and more imposing stature, making him bigger, taller, and stronger than he has any right to be.
Like many tinkers do, Victor holds an intense pride in his work. In fact, he seems to think of himself as an artist of sorts, and thinks of his creations as art - and some as masterpieces even. Thus, like many artists, he is also incredibly pretentious about this 'art', though he pushes this elitist attitude to the point of neurosis. He has little patience nor appreciation for the works and opinions of others, putting him easily at odds with other tinkers. Despite his arrogance and burning desire to meticulously perfect his craft, Victor is nonetheless adventurous in his endeavours, willing to indulge his morbid creativity to explore flaws and strengths. One must break a few eggs to make an omelet, after all...
Equipment and Resources
A fully functional gas mask and air supply as part of his outfit, a padded trench coat, hypodermic needles filled with questionably legal sedatives, an ornate heirloom rapier, a hunting rifle equipped with regular and non lethal ammunition.
Skills and Specializations
Besides the usual gamut of haute-classe courses drilled in daily on finances, social etiquette and the like, Victor’s more practical skills include proficient marksmanship, fencing, and a keen eye for detail.
Resource tinker specializing in the synthesis and reapplication of biomass.
Trigger type: Coven Trigger
Creator | |
Appearance | Looks like an oversized and overcomplicated 3D printer. Every bit of visible machinery is intricately overdesigned. A number of sleek depressions are built in the side to accept biomass canisters. |
Abilities | The Conditor is responsible for all things biomass - construction/deconstruction, processing, synthesis, and programming of it. |
Duration: Until damaged or destroyed.As the cornerstone of Caedes’ tech, it fulfills a variety of roles for modifying biomass for Caedes’ use. |
Creator | | |
Appearance | A glove that serves as an auto-injector for Caedes. Hidden in the cuff is a sturdy, extendable syringe for use on others. |
Abilities | Used to ease the application of Caedes’ tinkertech. |
Duration: Until damaged or destroyed. |
Creator | |
Appearance | Resembles a 16oz can in size and shape, with an orange gel inside. |
Abilities | A refined mixture of steroids and biomass that’s been programmed to cause dramatic physical growth when injected.
- Size and physical abilities are quickly and drastically enhanced, surpassing those of professional athletes or matching the abilities of a low level brute.
- If not purged from the body within a few days the added biomass stops communicating effectively with the host, causing violent and painful muscle spasms, numbness in the extremities, paranoia, vomiting, and (after a week) tissue rejection by the body and/or organ failure for the additional biomass.
Duration:One use per canister until refill. Effects last until reversed but must be purged within a few days to avoid severely detrimental side effects.If not applied correctly (via tinkertech injector), the user will start to suffer from aggressive mutations. |
Creator | |
Appearance | Resembles a 16oz can in size and shape, with a blue gel inside. |
Abilities | A refined mixture of steroids and biomass that’s been programmed to safely reverse physical growth, particularly that cause by Caedes’ Hyperdyne.
- Size and physical abilities are reduced to human baseline in a matter of minutes.
- Causes fatigue and lethargy for a few hours after application.
Duration:One use per canister until refill. If not applied correctly (via tinkertech injector), the user will suffer from severely impaired senses and weakness, with the potential for hampered neural communication for a few hours. |
Creator | |
Appearance | Resembles a 16oz can in size and shape, with a green gel inside. It is more frequently partitioned into 4oz capsules for convenience. |
Abilities | A refined mixture of steroids and biomass that’s been programmed to intuitively fill in and repair physical wounds.
- The gel acts as a painkiller and clotting agent, stopping blood loss and filling in wounds.
- Healing can take seconds to minutes for scratches or lacerations, or upwards of a few hours for deeper wounds and fractures.
Duration: One use per capsule (4 total) until refilled. The gel is most effective when applied via tinkertech injector, but may be safely imbibed or used as an ointment. |