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Author /u/atreides213
Civilian name Matthias Hajda
Alignment Rogue
Affiliation Noncanon ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Status Noncanon

A minor Tinker, Biohack makes a decent profit off of selling his lobotomized creations. Though his primary customers are villains and gangsters, he claims to be willing to service anyone who pursues business with him, villain, hero, gangster, or civilian.

Character Sheet


When out of costume, Hajda is an unassuming man of Slavic dissent. Of a middling height, with dull brown hair that seems perpetually in need of a good comb, brown eyes, and a pock-marked face. In costume, Biohack wears a brown hooded robe and covers his face with metal lenses and a grille-like breathing apparatus, as well as adorning his arms and legs with various tubes and mechanical devices. These serve no functional purpose; he simply wears them so that those attempting to track him down will assume he is augmented, making it all the harder for them to figure out his true identity.

Equipment and Resources

Matthias lives in a small but tidy apartment on the bad side of town, preferring the cheap rent over the quality of the neighborhood and relying on his skills to protect him. As Biohack, he maintains mobile workshop which can be easily picked up, moved, and redeployed in a matter of hours, in the event that some capes get it into their heads to take him down for some reason. The location of the shop changes at least twice a week, reflecting his more paranoid side. His modest lifestyle and steady work has allowed him to accrue a sizable chunk of money, which he keeps in multiple separate bank accounts under false identities.



  • Appearance: Soothsayer’s biological base is a raven, as its relative intelligence allows it to retain more commands than most creations its size. The back of its head is a featherless metal plate with a USB port installed. Its eyes have been replaced by mini-cameras. Its beak and claws have been replaced by titanium prosthetics.
  • Abilities: Soothsayer serves multiple small roles which help Biohack facilitate his business. It has a library of 50 languages stored in its cortex and is able to translate between any of them freely with a reasonable degree of accuracy. It also functions as an effective lie-detector, monitoring facial expressions, body movements, perspiration levels, and numerous other minute details in a person’s bearing. If anything deviates too steeply from the norm, it begins to shriek and caw, “Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!” While more accurate than the average lie detector, Soothsayer can still be fooled by those who know how to do so, and serves more as a deterrent than anything else. Soothsayer can also follow more complex commands, such as a command to retrieve a specific item, and its claws and beak make it a far more dangerous combatant than many would suspect.
  • Duration: Until the biological components die of old age, which could be anywhere between 20 to 60 years.
  • Notes: Soothsayer is a labor of passion by Biohack, and what he currently considers the ultimate culmination of his abilities. It’s ability to speak and its advance intelligence make it seem almost sentient, and Biohack has allowed himself to become incredibly emotionally attached to it. He considers it his friend and companion, and will not sell it for any price.

Skills and Specializations

Biohack’s greatest asset, outside of his powers, is his determination, thoroughness, and patience. If one of his creations doesn’t function the way it was intended, he will work diligently to make it right, undaunted by any number of setbacks and failures. These qualities have allowed his business to thrive, for all intents and purposes.


Although the ‘equipment’ he sells causes terror and injury to innocent people more often than not, Biohack does not consider himself a villain, nor even morally questionable. In his rather self-deluded view, the moment his creations are bought and paid for, he ceases to have any culpability for how they are used. Nor does he consider what he does to the animals he uses as a base for his tech to be unethical. In his own, publicly documented words, “I’m no more evil than any burger joint or steakhouse.” He considers the public condemnation of his methods to be unjust persecution.


Trigger type: Natural Trigger

Biohack is a Tinker whose technology can only function when piggybacking off of a biological organism. After years of experimentation, he has discovered the primary limitations of his power:

  1. The organism on which his tech is grafted has to have a well-developed brain, muscular, and circulatory system, meaning that creatures such as insects or bacteria cannot be modified by him.
  2. The larger or mmore well-developed the brain, the more advanced the creation's AI.
  3. The organism he tinkers with will be effectively lobotomized, losing all sense of self-awareness, memory, and emotion, its cognitive functions subsumed and used only to operate its own body and the technology it carries at peak efficiency.
  4. His creations, as he calls them, still need at least a bare minimum of food and water to keep the biological components operating. If they are not fed, they will eventually starve or dehydrate.
  5. The organism will also age naturally, eventually dying of old age.

Due to rule 3, he refuses to perform his tinkering on humans. His preferred subjects for tinkering are hawks, ravens, raccoons, possums, and in rare cases dogs and cats.