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Since the founding of the predecessor of the modern PRT, efforts have been centered on studying and analyzing Parahuman phenomena, and central to that effort is what has been dubbed "The Cases". In the early days of the PPAC, the intent was that every cape would have these case files, however the exponential growth of parahumanity resulted in the organization being quickly overwhelmed. The scope of the case files, now internally called SPIRs (Special Parahuman Information Reports) was changed to more abnormal situations, with everyday capes being relegated to their own system.

The majority of SPIRs following this initial wave can be roughly classified into two groups: firstly, in order to describe novel power interactions and mutations; secondly, particularly destructive S-class threats of unknown origin. Some PRT researchers have spent their careers focusing on a single Case, but for most of the agency's staff, they are expected to memorize and understand the "gist" of each Case, where possible.

Selected SPIRs

Case № Date Name Notes
SPIR-86-0019 Apr 25 1986 Jörmungandr S-class threat
SPIR-92-0049 Jul 4 1992 Zephyrus S-class threat
SPIR-93-0053 Apr 5 1993 Case-53s Originally referred to a single Parahuman with severe power-induced mutations, file has since expanded to include all similar capes.
SPIR-94-0061 May 15 1994 Sarathiel S-class threat
SPIR-97-0070 Feb 18 1997 Case-70s Similar to SPIR 53, this has become a generalized term common in the Cape community. Case 70s are genetic twins who suffer from unique power-related anomalies linking them to their sibling.
SPIR-00-0087 Dec 20 2000 Phoenix S-class threat
SPIR-01-0090 Dec 20 2001 Wall Drug Alias for PIR RAP-2001-0F8A, after the situation worsened. Ongoing mimetic hazard of unknown cause, currently quarantined.
SPIR-03-0093 Feb 26 2003 Sati S-class threat
SPIR-10-0158 Aug 23 2010 2010 temporal black hole event A time anomaly caused by a Tinker terrorist attack. Although the event concluded after one week (outside reference), it was given a SPIR while the situation was ongoing.
SPIR-12-0172 Aug 21 2012 Atcen S-class threat
SPIR-16-0194 Dec 23 2016 Chernobog S-class threat
SPIR-18-0216 Aug 12 2018 Crocosaur S-class threat
SPIR-19-0225 Aug 3 2019 Famine S-class threat