Cylynx |
 Cylynx ready to go out on the town. |
Author |
/u/ShellMerc |
Pronouns |
she/her |
Civilian name |
Alia Long |
Alignment |
Hero |
Affiliation |
Protectorate (Devilfish) |
PRT Classification |
Tinker (Brute) |
Born |
(2003-03-05) March 5, 2003 (age 22) Wetaskiwin, Alberta |
Status |
Noncanon |
Cylynx has graduated to the Devilfish Protectorate after her time in the Wards, having been transferred down to Devilfish after an incident during a cape conflict in Edmonton, resulting in the loss of life. As a full time Hero and open ward of the state Cylynx is proud to share her stories, for the most part, during her albeit short time in the Wards up north. Even if she shouldn't share that information.
She is known for her interactions with villains going one of two ways; she will either attempt to defuse the situation as she did when Iron Maiden attacked a dance studio or she will fight aggressively to her own physical detriment until there is a clear victor.
Character Sheet
- Cape: Cylynx's costume is a black exoskeleton over a tan digital camo bodysuit, giving the appearance of a Lynx's coloration and spots. She wears a half helm with small cat ears built into it to complete the design and theming of her costume.
- Civilian: Alia has long, straight, blonde hair that used to stick out the bottom of any hood of sweaters she usually wears, it no longer sticks out now that she has adopted an undercut style to provide easier access to where she's preformed self brain surgery. She has hazel eyes with dark bags under them, this girl doesn't rest much. She stands at 5'3" tall and 120lbs soaking wet.
thumb|Anetta has been an influence on Alia's choice of clothing.thumb|left|Cylynx's haircut, giving free access to the underside of her skull.|alt=|center
Equipment and Resources
- Wealth Level 6
- Tinker Lab
- Personal apartment
Skills and Specializations
Adept with a scalpel, self surgery skills don't come cheap.
Minorly good story teller, mostly tales about various Heroes she's either worked with or cape gossip.
In costume Cylynx is a firm believer is a Hero's sworn duty, to protect those who cannot protect themselves even if it means being in harms way, going as far as to disobey orders to stay out of fights that she cannot win.
Out of costume Alia is slower, not anti-social but seems to be constantly tired. Likely from being so high energy as Cylynx, not that she'd ever admit that she acts too differently between the personas.
- Trigger type: Natural, first generation. (Magi x Magi) Walking Armory Bio-tinker
Addendum: Allowed to collaborate with others. Apply personal augments to others.
Creator | |
Appearance | Carbon black running down the limbs with wrap points at each joint, including bracers, pauldrons, and greaves. |
Abilities | Previously Celestial Bronze; high durability and heat tolerance due to tinker material composition, now Elysian-Steel; the Majority of its physical properties (Durability & Tensile Strength, etc) are akin to high-grade steel. However It is notably non-conductive (Akin to Glass or Ceramics). The hardware provides no boosts as the system lacks motivators or power source. |
Originally provided and maintained by another Tinker (Hephaestus) located in Edmonton, two sets were designed to avoid downtime if one is damaged, parts can be swapped between the sets if required. The exoskeleton could not be brought to Devilfish due to Tinkertech regulations and maintenance costs, local tinker Phalanx's metal has been provided to serve as a substitute after transfer. |
Creator | |
Appearance | Small Retractable blades fitted within each of Cylynx's fingers. |
Abilities | Sharp enough to cut through glass with the efficiency of a glass cutter, as well as digging into concrete to allow vertical traversal. |
Requires ingestion of Sulphur in the diet to allow the body to maintain the claws, otherwise they will deteriorate quickly with use. Compound is similar to α-keratins and β-keratins though has been referred to as a Τ-keratins (Using the Greek Tau as a shorthand for Tinker) |
Creator | |
Appearance | The organ is golf ball sized and coated in an aggressive layer that binds with cardiac muscle tissue. |
Abilities | Releases a hormone cocktail to encourage cellular growth and healing in muscle tissue resulting in a higher density of collagen fibers within the body as well as a greater efficiency in processing of lactic acid. |
Diet requires a higher than normal level of proteins and fats. |
Creator | |
Abilities | Implanted into the main circulatory system, this tiny implant not only increases the haemoglobin content of the subject's blood, making it more efficient at carrying oxygen around the body and making the subject's blood a bright red. |
More dietary requirements including a much higher iron intake, possibly controllable with iron supplements. |
Creator | |
Abilities | Implanted into the back of the brain, this pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the body's response to sleep deprivation. If deprived of sleep, the Somunum cuts in. The implant allows Cylynx to sleep and remain awake at the same time by switching off areas of his brain sequentially. This process cannot replace sleep entirely, but increases Cylynx's emergency viability by allowing perception of the environment while resting. This means that she needs no more than 4 hours of sleep a day, and can potentially go for 2 weeks without any sleep at all. |
Constant use is not recommended and the maximum of two weeks should not be tested or surpassed. |
Creator | |
Abilities | A liver-shaped organ about the size of a golf-ball, this implant is placed within the chest cavity and connected to the circulatory system. It generates and controls 'Larraman cells', which are released into the blood stream if the recipient is wounded. They attach themselves to leukocytes (white blood cells) in the blood and are carried to the site of the wound, whereupon contact with air they form a near instant patch of scar tissue acting like platelets, only better. |
There is a high risk of the cells over acting if too much damage is done to Cylynx during a single fight |
Creator | |
Abilities | This implant sits at the base of the brain, and provides hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable Cylynx's eyes to respond to optic-therapy. This in turn allows further surgery to make adjustments to the growth patterns of the eye and the light-receptive retinal cells - the result that Cylynx has far superior vision to normal humans, and can see in low-light conditions almost as well as in daylight. |
This will require several surgeries over the course of four to six months. |
Creator | |
Abilities | Original Version: Provides a level of hearing more akin to that of a large jungle cat in sensitivity and auditory range. (There are small incision scars behind each of Cylynx's ears where the ear was folded forwards so the implant could be inserted and fully maturated.)
With completion of this implant Cylynx is immune to dizziness or motion sickness, it also allows her to consciously filter out and enhance certain sounds. The Auditivus completely replaces her original ears internally while remaining externally indistinguishable from a normal human ear. |
The original implants will need to be removed, allowed to heal, and then replaced with the completed versions. This will render Cylynx deaf for at least one week while the healing takes place, and for another week while her augments heal and natural adaptation takes place. |
Creator | |
Abilities | Consists of two near identical glands, implanted either into the lower lip, alongside the salivary glands, or into the hard palette. The first gland works in a similar way to the poison gland of venomous reptiles but instead synthesizing poison it produces a triethylaluminium like substance that requires the chemical activator from the second gland before it becomes pyrophoric. |
The chemical compound can be harvested to be stored for later use in aerosol containers or as a mixable compound to be deployed as epoxy. |
Creator | |
Abilities | This liquidized version of Phalanx's Elysium Steel combined with a bio-organic plastic resulted in an alloy with the flexibility of the plastic and the durability of the Elysium Steel. It is possible to be used as a natural reinforcement for bones as they heal, mixing naturally into the structure and providing passive benefits. Retains the lessened conductivity properties of Elysium Steel, somewhat diminished by the fact that the alloy is inside a 60% water environment. |
Application to non-damaged bones has proven ineffective, tests were performed by Cylynx during solo lab time in which she broke a bone and then injected the compound to test the application finding the results to be excellent due to faster than natural healing. Possible requirements may include the compound needing to be ingested to assist with upkeep of the bones, just as one would ingest extra calcium after a break. |
Creator | |
Abilities | A most distinctive implant, it resembles a film of black plastic that is implanted directly beneath the skin of the torso in sheets. It hardens on the outside and sends invasive neural bundles into the body. After the organ has matured the recipient is then fitted with neural sensors and interface points cut into the carapace's surface. This would allow Cylynx to interface directly with future external augmentations, or in the majority case, with the Nemean Lion Power Suit. When operating the power suit a spinal interface connecting the power suit and Black Carapace will provide Cylynx an intuitive 'feel' for the systems and controls, essentially making her a part of her suit. |
The implantation in extremely invasive and painful, unfortunately due to the requirements that the neural bundles need to engage and connect to the organic nerve endings in Cylynx's body, she needs to be awake and aware for the whole process. The submission has her signed consent and only requires the signing off by Phalanx and Director Shaw. |
Creator | | |
Appearance | Designed to evoke the image of a feline. This suit is purposely less-bulky than Phalanx's armor, designed for Cylynx's agile and nearly gymnastic fighting style. |
Abilities | Designed for use by Cylynx in conjunction with her 'Black Carapace' implant, which allows the use of the suit as though it were an extension of her body (IE better spacial awareness, dexterity, etc).
Although the suit can be worn and used without it, though without the benefits granted by her Implant.
The suit is much more sleek and modular than Phalanx's prior designs, this is intentional, to more easily allow upgrades and attachments in the future, and to better accommodate Cylynx's implants.
(Type III armor) Weighing about 200lbs, the hydraulic frame easily capable of nullifying its own bulk and weight, allowing the wearer access to their full range-of-motion and dexterity, helping to lessen physical exertion.
Capable of hitting on par with a super heavy-weight boxer, and can lift up too 1000lbs before damaging its servos and hydraulics. Equipped with a Prehensile tail, ending in prehensile digits, able to release a Taser-level shock.
Possesses advanced (cybernetic-grade) pressure and temperature sensors, allowing a near-human level sense of touch. Additionally this Frame is equipped with three vision modes: Human spectrum, Infrared, and 6x zoom. Built-in-radio and smartphone. Military-tier Gas-mas air filter. Slots in the hands for Cylynx's claw implants.
Capable of displaying LED facial expressions and Text on the helmet exterior (much like Phalanx's own helmet.) |
Designed to give Cylynx a bit of survivability in light of her seeming lack of self-preservation instinct. built out of modular pieces should Cylynx or other tinkers wish to contribute gadgets to the suit. |
Creator | |
Abilities | This implant is wholly cybernetic. Cylynx's sinews are reinforced with durametallic coil-cables that contract with incredible force, magnifying the subject's strength beyond that of her regular augmentations and giving another layer of interior defence. When combined with Cylynx's previous augmentations her rough lifting strength would be somewhere in the ballpark of bench pressing around 500kg and deadlifting around 800kg. Striking with enough force to put somebody through a concrete wall, or roughly 4000psi, double the expected PSI of a heavyweight boxer. |
Creator | |
Abilities | Blades of bone implanted in the outer side of the forearm, deployed above the wrist through the skin (this heals over when the blades are not deployed) and bearing an obsidian like edge, having found a true monomolecular edge untenable. The blades are self sustaining and overtime will repair any damage done to them. |
Implant adds additional dietary requirements, increased calcium intake. |
Creator | |
Abilities | A small device similar to an SD Card reader is implanted into the neck, this device has six slots, two of which require surgery to uncover. These slots may be filled with chips that contain datasets, allowing Cylynx access to skill or knowledge otherwise not obtainable. |
Creator | |
Abilities | Temporary use nanites that can be used to repair biological or technologic devices. They will take on the properties of the environment around them, acting to fill gaps or repair damage that is done, have a 12 hour lifespan once activated. Can be stored as a grey pill or as a liquid to be ingested or applied to a surface. Non-replicating. |
Born and raised in Wetaskiwin Alberta, had a relatively normal childhood though a minor cape geek. Alia was kidnapped while leaving a Seven-Eleven where she'd stopped to grab a snack on the way home from school.
Trigger Event
A blonde teenage girl sits on her bed, shrunk back in the corner to make herself as small as possible. The room is lit by a single, flickering florescent bulb hanging from the ceiling. The sounds of yelling and an occasional gunshot echo into the room; each one drawing her eyes to the door for a moment before she sniffs and looks back to the mattress.
The silence stretches on longer after the last gunshots. She begins to worry, not about the people outside, but about what will happen to her if she's not found. The anxiety is the most potent emotion she's experienced in what feels like years to her.
Eventually the door opens with a click and a man joins her in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed and tapping his foot with impatience. "Today, girl. It's been stressful." She's weak, hungry, and broken but still responds exactly as she's been trained.
Her body is a weapon, used against her and conditioned to respond to their wishes... The Protectorate isn't coming. The PRT isn't coming. The Police aren't coming. Alia Long has been here for years, and the harsh reality finally sinks in as she goes through the motions.
She triggers and the man doesn't even notice. When she regains focus her mind is full of ways to become stronger, to never let herself become that again.
Further notes: Cylynx was still held by the criminal elements for another several months until she accumulated enough resources and supplies to preform her first self surgery, allowing her two claws with which she executed one of her captors and injured another (resulting in his death) before escaping and fleeing, being lucky enough to encounter a police patrol car (Sadly in a more direct way, the car was undamaged and Cylynx only had three cracked ribs.)