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The PIR template is used to provide a uniform presentation to PRT reports and memos. It is by no means required but if you do use it please follow these guidelines.

High level overview of the PIR system

PIRs, or Parahuman Intelligence Reports, are the core system in which PRT info is obtained and catalogued. Every PRT department will maintain its own PIR database, which are regularly synced to other departments for redundancy.

While originally the SAGA database system only supported one type of PIR (the eponymous Parahuman Intelligence Report), support was soon added for other types of records, such as after-action reports and general memorandums.


Your exact usage will depend on what types of records you're trying to make. For quick reference, see the #Templates section below.


Required for all PIRs

Type of the record. Currently the following are in use:
  • Parahuman Intelligence Report
  • After-Action Report
  • Memorandum
The unique identifier for the PIR. In database nerd terms, this is the primary key. It MUST conform to the format DPT-YYYY-SSSS where:
This is a three-letter identifier for the department that originated the record. Typically this will be the IATA code for the city, such as DEN for Denver, PDX for Portland, and DSH for Devilfish. Field offices will use the code from their parent Department (such as Glenwood Springs using DEN)
This is the year the PIR was issued.
This is a four-digit hex serial number, that starts at 0000 at the beginning of each year, and increases by one for each PIR issued by that department. Therefore you can have from 0000 to ffff records per year, although typically this is rare. If you're not sure what to put here, ask keira for help!
This is the date the PIR was issued, in YYYY-MM-DD format
This is the regional division which the department belongs to. Accepted values:
  • Pacific Northwest (WA/OR/ID/AK)
  • Western (HI/CA/NV)
  • Rocky Mountain (MT/WY/UT/CO/NM/AZ/KS/NB)
  • Midwest (ND/SD/MI/IA/MO/WI/IL/ID/OH/MI)
  • Southern (TX/OK/LA/AR)
  • Southeastern (AL/MS/GA/FL)
  • Carolinas (NC/SC)
  • Capital (WV/VA/DE/DC/MD)
  • New York (PA/NY/NJ)
  • New England (MA/RI/CT/NH/VT/ME)
  • Appalachia (KT/TN)
  • Overseas (PN/PR/Territories)
This is the name of the city in which the department is located
This is the abbreviation used in the classification headers at the top and bottom of the PIR document. DO NOT USE ACTUAL AGENCIES OR PROGRAMS IN THIS SECTION. We don't need anyone getting in trouble because some idiot can't tell this is a superhero rp. Here's some examples in use:
  • PRTOPS or PRTOpB - PRT Operations Bureau (cuffsluts)
  • PRTInB - PRT Intelligence Bureau (spooks)
  • PRTImB - PRT Image Bureau (metrosexuals... not sure what classified into they handle but)
  • PRTAdB - PRT Administration Bureau (sauce bosses)
  • PROT-XXX - Protectorate (and Wards by inclusion) where XXX is the Department code
You can combine multiple agencies by separating them with a single slash, such as PRTOPS/PROT-PDX


PIR (cape database record)

Each cape will have exactly one PIR, tied to the department which first made the record. This PIR ID goes with them if they become active in another city or even switch sides.

|type     = Parahuman Information Report
|id       = 
|date     = 
|agency   = 
|division = 
|office   = 

|subject  = 

|classification = 

|power = 

|containment = 

|remarks = 


AAR (After action report)

These reports are filed after cape fights and other encounters with parahumans.

|type     = After-Action Report
|id       = 
|date     = 
|agency   = 
|division = 
|office   = 

|author = 

|title = 


|remarks = 
