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Author /u/ShellMerc
Civilian name Alia Long
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Wards (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Tinker
Born (2003-03-05) March 5, 2003 (age 22)
Wetaskiwin, Alberta
Status Active

Cylynx is a relatively new member of the Devilfish Wards, having been transferred down to Devilfish after an incident during a cape conflict in Edmonton, resulting in the loss of life. As a full time Hero and open ward of the state Cylynx is proud to share her stories, for the most part, during her albeit short time in the Ward up north.

Character Sheet


  • Cape: Cylynx's costume is a black exoskeleton over a tan digital camo bodysuit, giving the appearance of a Lynx's coloration and spots. She wears a half helm with small cat ears built into it to complete the design and theming of her costume.
  • Civilian: Alia has long, straight, blonde hair even sticks out the bottom of the hood. She has hazel eyes with dark bags under them, this girl doesn't rest much. She stands at 5'3" tall and 120lbs soaking wet.

Equipment and Resources

  • Wards Baseline Salary
  • Tinker Lab
  • Lodgings on base



Carbon black running down the limbs with wrap points at each joint, including bracers, pauldrons, and greaves.

  • Abilities: Previously Celestial Bronze; high durability and heat tolerance due to tinker material composition, now Elysian-Steel; the Majority of its physical properties (Durability & Tensile Strength, etc) are akin to high-grade steel. However It is notably non-conductive (Akin to Glass or Ceramics). The hardware provides no boosts as the system lacks motivators or power source.
  • Duration: As long as is worn.
  • Notes: Originally provided and maintained by another Tinker (Hephaestus) located in Edmonton, two sets were designed to avoid downtime if one is damaged, parts can be swapped between the sets if required. The exoskeleton could not be brought to Devilfish due to Tinkertech regulations and maintenance costs, local tinker Phalanx's metal has been provided to serve as a substitute after transfer.
  • Example:

"Pathetic germs." Bastion spat as he prowled the warehouse looking for the intruding heroes, a massive hunk of concrete hanging off his improvised club thudding against machinery as he passed to try and spook the wards into moving. And it worked, when he pounded it against a powered lathe the ward Aqua scrambled out in a panic and he took full advantage of the opportunity and swung for what he was worth (And the brute was worth quite a bit) this left Cylynx in the unfortunate position of human shield as she dove between the two and pulled her exoskeleton covered arms up to soak the impact. The resulting impact left both her ulna broken from the transference of kinetic energy, but the metals making up the exoskeleton were only cracked at the impact site.

Retraceable Claws

Small retraceable blades fitted within each of Cylynx's fingers.

  • Abilities: Sharp enough to cut through glass with the efficiency of a glass cutter, as well as digging into concrete to allow vertical traversal.
  • Duration: Out until retracted.
  • Notes: Requires ingestion of Sulphur in the diet to allow the body to maintain the claws, otherwise they will deteriorate quickly with use. Compound is similar to α-keratins and β-keratins though has been referred to as a Τ-keratins (Using the Greek Tau as a shorthand for Tinker).
  • Example:

"Race you to the top! 3-2-1-Go!" Cylynx laughed as she jumped against the wall and started to pull herself towards the roof, the small pitons on her boots allowing her to push slightly faster as she dug into the concrete like a cat climbing a tree, each stretch leaving a quartet of centimeter wide slits in the wall at each point.

  • Example:

She'd warned him to drop the weapon and put his hands on his head, several times even. "You guys never listen and it always ends up this way, just because we're Wards doesn't mean we aren't Heroes too." Cylynx huffed as she flicked the blood from her left claws while leaving the right buried in the thug's arm to avoid him bleeding too much, his hand was a mess of scratches and the crowbar he'd been brandishing was off to the side having been dropped in the struggle.

Improved Senses (Hearing)

No outward appearance, implants are membranous additions that have grown and integrated into the standard human ear canal.

  • Abilities: Provides a level of hearing more akin to that of a large jungle cat in sensitivity and auditory range.
  • Duration: Always (Passive)
  • Notes: There are small incision scars behind each of Cylynx's ears where the ear was folded forwards so the implant could be inserted and fully maturated.
  • Example:

"All in." Iron Jack grinned as she pushed all of her chips into the pot, the Turn seemed to have treated her well.

"Fold." Smooth Talker shook his head as he tossed his cards down.

"Ditto." Speed Freak tsk'd, his own cards joining the pile.

"Yeah, I'm out of this one." Moon Racer huffed and leaned back in her chair.

"Call!" Cylynx grinned like an idiot as she pushed what meager remains of her starting chips into the pot. Jack's heartbeat had gotten faster when she looked at the card revealed and slowed slightly with each member who folded, going last paid off for the first time during the game.

With the River and reveal her grin only got worse as she watched the Ward leader's face fall.

"This is why I told you all to not let her play!" Fire's Reign laughed from the couch and his comic book, "She cheats, she can hear you lying."

"It's not cheating! I can't turn them off!"

Musculature Enhancement

The organ is golf ball sized and coated in an aggressive layer that binds with cardiac muscle tissue.

  • Abilities: Releases a hormone cocktail to encourage cellular growth and healing in muscle tissue resulting in a higher density of collagen fibers within the body as well as a greater efficiency in processing of lactic acid.
  • Duration: Always (Passive)
  • Notes: Diet requires a higher than normal level of proteins and fats.
  • Example:

"Okay, what was it again? Ah, Evolution. Please go ahead and show us what you can do." Doctor Miller spoke through the PA in the next room as Alia stepped up to the testing dummy.

"And I can go all out? I don't have to replace anything right, this thing looks expensive."

"We'd like you to work your way up, try to handle yourself as best you can so we know where you need work. And no, you don't have to pay for anything."

"Awesome!" Alia stretched out for a minute before taking a terrible fighting stance before the dummy and hitting it repeatedly, working her way around it with clumsy footsteps, before finally the dummy started to give way and she started hitting harder and harder. At least until she put her fist into it's abdomen, tensing all over with a wince and groan, "Doctor Miller, I think I just broke something..."

Skills and Specializations

Adept with a scalpel, self surgery skills don't come cheap. Minorly good story teller, mostly tales about various Heroes she's either worked with or cape gossip.


In costume Cylynx is a firm believer is a Hero's sworn duty, to protect those who cannot protect themselves even if it means being in harms way, going as far as to disobey orders to stay out of fights that she cannot win.

Out of costume Alia is slower, not anti-social but seems to be constantly tired. Likely from being so high energy as Cylynx, not that she'd ever admit that she acts too differently between the personas.


  • Trigger type: Natural, first generation. (Magi x Magi) Walking Armory Bio-tinker


Born and raised in Wetaskiwin Alberta, had a relatively normal childhood though a minor cape geek. Alia was kidnapped while leaving a Seven-Eleven where she'd stopped to grab a snack on the way home from school.

Trigger Event

A blonde teenage girl sits on her bed, shrunk back in the corner to make herself as small as possible. The room is lit by a single, flickering florescent bulb hanging from the ceiling. The sounds of yelling and an occasional gunshot echo into the room; each one drawing her eyes to the door for a moment before she sniffs and looks back to the mattress.

The silence stretches on longer after the last gunshots. She begins to worry, not about the people outside, but about what will happen to her if she's not found. The anxiety is the most potent emotion she's experienced in what feels like years to her.

Eventually the door opens with a click and a man joins her in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed and tapping his foot with impatience. "Today, girl. It's been stressful." She's weak, hungry, and broken but still responds exactly as she's been trained.

Her body is a weapon, used against her and conditioned to respond to their wishes... The Protectorate isn't coming. The PRT isn't coming. The Police aren't coming. Alia Long has been here for years, and the harsh reality finally sinks in as she goes through the motions.

She triggers and the man doesn't even notice. When she regains focus her mind is full of ways to become stronger, to never let herself become that again.