The Round Table

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The Round Table is the largest hero organization in the United Kingdom, heavily integrated with the law enforcement in England, Scotland, and Wales, and with special arrangements to work inside closely allied commonwealth nations.


In lieu of dedicated support staff like the Protectorate & Parahuman Response team, the Round Table provides special training to conventional police & intelligence agencies to support them in combating parahuman crime.

Arthurian legend, knights, and fairy tales are popular choices amongst Round Table capes for obvious reasons, this has lead to their capes being colloquially refereed to as Knights (even when personal themeing was wholly unrelated).

The Round table's junior hero division, The Squires operate directly alongside their adult counterparts, albeit with a fair few guidelines and limitations to minimize danger while out in the field. There is a strong focus on mentorship, and Squires are typically assigned in groups of two or three to a single Knight.