Captain Comrade

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Captain Comrade
Author /u/Magos_Nashoid
Civilian name Boris Chernov
Alignment Hero
Affiliation None ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Status Active

Captain Comrade was rather famous in the Soviet Union. He was on the USSR’s first government sponsored Cape teams (not unlike America’s own Protectorate).

It was not unheard of for Captain Comrade to appear on propaganda posters in Russia.

Comrade was much less popular in America and Europe, but his distinct appearance made him stick out to non-Soviets, at least compared to many other Russian Capes.

He was believed to have gone into retirement after the fall of the soviet union.

He has more recently been featured in several popular meme templates by modern pro-communist internet communities.

Character Sheet


Boris's and his beautiful Beard)

Boris is a handsome older man, He has black hair, that has turned white with age. A full beard and mustache (also white). He has a number of scars, along with a few tattoos

Comrade's Changer form is a Humanoid figure, made of metal, it resembles a stylized robot although it is solid metal. It possesses Glowing red eyes that resemble LED lights.

His Costume is a stylized USSR Costume.



  • A very high quality tinker-lab with a number of expensive manufacturing equipment (fancy, but somewhat antiquated by modern standards)
  • A stockpile of memento’s from the Soviet Union (Awards, Photographs, Autographs)
  • A collection of Antique Firearms including a pair of well kept Makarov Pistols,

a battered PPS submachine gun, a KS-23 Shotgun, and a Mosin-Nagant rifle.


  • Type 2 Kevlar costume
  • Cellular Phone
  • Combat knife
  • Stun-gun
  • Zipties


Comrade's standard Model Laser Pistol

  • Appearance: A simple laser pistol, designed to be visually distinct from a regular firearm
  • Abilities: These pistols take an hour to recharge off a power main, and have 40 shots each from a full charge. The beam is a scarlet red, and makes a distinctive "snap hiss" sound when fired. A single shot can melt a hole in a tenth of an inch of steel plate. The Pistols come with a laser dot for aiming. They have an effective range of 100 yards (blasts leave holes similar to a 9mm in size)These particular laser pistols have no impact and work solely on heat
  • Notes: Comrade has two of these in his possession, and Persephone has two in her possession.

Comrade's standard Model Laser Rifle

  • Appearance: A simple laser Rifle, designed to be visually distinct from a regular firearm
  • Abilities: These Rifles take an hour to recharge off a power main (or 10 minutes from a Tinker tech power source), and have 30 shots each from a full charge. The beam is a scarlet red, and makes a distinctive "snap hiss" sound when fired. A single shot can melt a hole in a half an inch of steel plate. The Rifles come with a laser dot for aiming. They have an effective range of 150 yards (blasts leave holes similar to a 9mm in size)These particular laser Rifles have no impact and work solely on heat
  • Notes: Comrade has one of these in his possession, and Persephone has two in her possession.

Comrade's Hard-light Sword

  • Appearance: A Sword Handle, the Blade is Blue
  • Abilities: It is an extendable sword made of hard light. The blade is lightweight,. It has two toggle modes. The Blade can be shattered with sufficient force (it is about as strong as a steel sword) but a new blade can be formed by turning it off and on again. The blade is 80 centimeters and is single edged.
  • BLUNTED: The blade of the sword is no sharper than a Wooden training sword
  • SHARP: The blades sharpness is on par with a similar sword made of extremely high quality steel, sharpened to a razor edge.
  • Notes: Comrade has one of these in his possession

Comrade's Hard-light Scalpel

  • Appearance: A small handle, the Blade is Blue, and programable
  • Abilities: It is an extendable scalpel made of hard light. The Blade can be damaged with sufficient force (it is about as strong as a mundane steel tool) but a new blade can be formed by turning it off and on again. The device is very robust and the actual machine bits are extremely difficult to damage. The Hard light blade is self sanitizing, and can maintain a razor edge with ease. The blade's shape is programmable, and can be changed on the fly by someone with technical knowledge (Tinkers and surgeons)(with a number of built in shapes, along with a customizable setting)
  • Notes: Persephone has one of these in his possession

Skills and Specializations

  • Excellent Marksman
  • Respectable Swordsmanship
  • Good at close quarters combat
  • Has a degree in both Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


Boris is an old man, he has always been a bit gregarious in his youth, but old age has not managed to take that from him.

He is an old school soviet Communist, he is biased against the United States of America, although his opinion of the Motherland has dropped somewhat after the fall of the USSR.

He had several rivals during his long life, but none have irked him as much as Herr Doktor. The desire to see this man defeated has driven him to come out of retirement.


++ Primary Power: Light/Photon Tinker specialty ++

His primary ability manifests as a tinker specialty relating Light. This is very useful for things like Lasers and hard light weaponry (or defenses). His specialty has room for expansion and experimentation into esoteric forms of Light (IE not 100% accurate to real light based physics) but Boris usually prefers to stick to classics like Laser guns, Hardlight swords.

Mostly weapons featuring various kinds of Laser and Hard-light. Maybe armour that is highly resistant or reflective to light-based attacks. he can probably make some kick ass tinker tech light-bulbs/LEDs. he could probably make decent light-based sensors. but the majority of his tech would be various blaster weapons.

++ Secondary Power: Metallurgic Changer form ++

Boris can transform into a Metallic changer form, he superficially resembles a robot with glowing red eyes. This Changer form is not made of any known metal, but has a durability approximately on par with Steel.

Boris’s changer form does not gain any increase to mobility or flexibility (it stays about as swift and flexible as an older man slightly past his prime), although it maintains the same weight that Boris does in his human form.

Boris can ignore many wounds that would be fatal on a regular human, including removal of arms and legs, along with holes in his torso, that go all the way through (serious damage to the head is still lethal).

Damage to Boris’s changer form does not carry over to his human form, His Changer form can regenerate slowly (but only while he is in human form, he also cannot re-enter his changer form until it is fully healed, this process usually takes anywhere from a few hours for superficial damage to a few days for missing limbs.)



The story starts with Boris, a former soldier, a promising engineer, a hard working patriot. Boris works for a small Research and Development company in Moscow.

The year 1985 is the beginning of a brand new world, people have begun developing superpowers, the world has mixed responses to the introduction of ‘Parahumans’ to the status quo. Boris is unsure what to think about such an unexpected development. The world was already so goddamn weird, super heroes might as well be a thing.

The Following year a terrible creature dubbed an ‘Endbringer’ destroys Chernobyl, Ukraine. Eventually being slain by a combination of the military and the 1 generation of Parahumans. The destruction of an entire city cements the idea that the world has truly changed.

The scientific community is working in overdrive to unravel and reverse-engineer the works of these ‘Tinkers’ and ‘Thinkers’. The appearance of the first Endbringer has spurred countries to fund research towards more effective weapon and defensive systems.

After a great deal of hard work, Boris manages to arrange for his department to visit an international research conference. Boris had to go above his borderline-abusive supervisor’s head to arrange for the visit. Suffice to say Boris’s supervisor had taken this poorly, The supervisor made it clear that he didn’t think that anything worth attending could be hosted in a place like Germany, and that when this fucked up, it would be on Boris’s head.

Boris’s worst fears came true, as the event was a let down. He could practically feel his supervisor’s glare as he watched the scientist on stage. The poor guy’s presentation had failed, Boris might have felt bad for the strangely accented german scientist,were he not having his own panic attack at what could easily be the end of his own promising career. Trigger

After having gotten the hang of his abilities, Boris would go on to be a founding member for the USSR's first Government Cape team. Thus Captain Comrade was born,

Years later after the fall of the Soviet Union, Boris would hang up his costume and retire… for now.