WormRP:Character Creation Guide: Difference between revisions

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Checking out #character_creation on the Discord is a good place to start, and some helpful links are included in the pins!
Checking out #character_creation on the Discord is a good place to start, and some helpful links are included in the pins!
🔷'''<u>The Power</u>'''
🔷'''<u>The Power</u>'''

Revision as of 10:45, 4 July 2023

Hi there, and welcome to WormRP! This page is intended as a primer for getting started roleplaying with us!

If your not their already our Discord server is where the actual roleplaying itself occurs and is also used for most meta & informal discussion regarding the community, as well as where we typically hangout.


Step One - Character Concept

Things to remember if your new!

Keep your first power simple. Super complex powers when your getting started are usually trouble. It might be better to keep the weird one for your second or third character instead.

Stop thinking about numbers! We're not a mechanic-based RP, & while some characters opt to toss numbers into their power details, it's not recommended.

Try to come up with a power that can be described without enumerating things. This gives you flexibility (something Wormy powers tend to have!) and keeps the RP simple.

For relating a trigger to a power, the Worm Power Docs are a great way to get some help with ideas and inspiration, but anything relating to Weaverdice mechanics can be safely disregarded. Especially in regard to Tinkers!

If you want to help flesh out a character, consider writing a short snippet of their power in use to get an idea of how it feels. This may also kill two birds with one stone, as the Approval process may ask for an example of your power in use.

We have a list of powers that are difficult to implement in a roleplay setting, usually these require extra workshopping & scrutiny from Approval Staff. A list of these powers can be found Here: Difficult & Discouraged Powers
Unpowered Characters

Many players have opted to play unpowered characters. This is perfectly fine! Just skip the trigger and power stuff, as needed.

Many times a player will do this, planning on having them trigger in-character, but that's not necessary either. We've had several successful just plain ol' humans in our RP and they've pretty much always been fun to play with.

This section assumes you are somewhat familiar with Worm and may include spoilers. You've been warned!

The first, and most important, step of character creation is figuring out what your concept is. There are two primary ways of looking at this, and each has their own pros and cons.

The first method is developing a character, figuring out some sort of trigger event, and then workshopping out what power would result from that particular situation. For the most part this tends to result in "tighter" characters, but for newcomers, figuring out a power can be tough.

The alternative option is starting with a cool power or concept, and working backwards from there to determine what sort of person and/or trigger would result in that power coming into existence. For first-time players or those unfamiliar with generating powers, this might be the easier option.

Regardless, you will need (usually) three things for your concept:

🔷The Person

Who were they before they got powers? What did they do, what was their family like, their personal life, etc? What changed when they got powers? What are their ambitions and goals and dreams? Also, more practically, what's their name, appearance, skills, etc?

🔷The Trigger

Everyone has some breaking point that caused them to gain powers. This is called their trigger event. The nature of that event directly determines how the character's powers are manifested. This is much more of an art than a science, so don't be worried about getting things 100% right.

Checking out #character_creation on the Discord is a good place to start, and some helpful links are included in the pins!

🔷The Power

Your character's power is directly derived from your trigger. Depending on what that trigger is, the power will be manifested in a specific way. Again, a lot of this is subjective, so don't worry 100%. Just remember that a Wormy power is one that tries to indirectly "solve" the problem while reminding its wielder of their trauma and promoting conflict.

Again, if you aren't sure, discussing your idea on the Discord and staff & community may be able to help! It's also worth considering balance here, something stupidly overpowered will probably not make it past the Approval process. That being said, don't worry about it too much.

Step Two - Drafting Your Character

Step Three - Approval

Step Four - Ready!
