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blur replacement tech resub, remind me later to fix her skills and equip. because i need to update that from ward-era :lolmad:
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=== Tinkertech ===
=== Tinkertech ===

==== The Cloak ====
==== The Second Cloak ====

Blur's costume and currently her greatest creation.
Blur's costume and currently her greatest creation.

Appearance: Given that her old Ward costume was copyrighted and distinctive, Blur's new costume is much less so. The hex-material is much thinner than her old costume and appears as a light grey color when inactive, and the sorta hat-veil thing the former model had is now converted into a slightly more sensible hood that can be adjusted to cover the entire face.
Appearance: Similar to her old Ward ‘lampshade’ costume, which might infringe some Protectorate merch copyrights but she didn’t have much to work with beyond mementos, okay? The newest edition of her cloak’s fabric gives it a faded dark grey color when inactive, and adds a bit of bulk beneath it from both light armor and additional subsystems.


-Active Camouflage: By using a variety of sensors built into the hex-patterned fibers that her costume is mostly made of, she can change the color that her costume projects to nearly perfectly match her surroundings. Color updates every minute to account for changing environment. Works best in poorly-lit, low-contrast areas. Running or otherwise moving quickly between two high-contrast areas would be counterproductive, and reveal her to most observers.
-Even More Active Camouflage: By using a variety of sensors built into the hex-patterned fibers that her costume is mostly made of, she can change the color that her costume projects to nearly perfectly match her surroundings. Color updates every twenty seconds (from the one-minute refresh rate of more primitive fibers), allowing near-perfect concealment when slowly slinking or staying still in medium-contrast areas while permitting adequate concealment when jogging or running in low-contrast or poorly lit areas. Running or otherwise moving quickly and carelessly between two high-contrast areas would be counterproductive, and reveal her to most observers.

-Color Projection: Changes the material on her costume to uniformly project one bright color (neon shades of purple, green, and red are programmed initially) to an intensity that makes it difficult for onlookers to look directly at her. Eye protection (sunglasses, welding helmets, etc.) will protect one from the bright light.
-Aggressive Heatsink: An apparatus that traps heat produced by her body, weaponry, and other sources mostly within the Cloak to a certain extent. Allows one to evade detection from infrared sensors with the drawback of heating up the interior of their costume quite a bit. This heat can be released as steam via either a discreet vent situated near the legs, or a very indiscreet set of vents situated around her body that can be ‘fired’ to scald melee-range attackers. Supercharged shots produce too much heat to be “masked” in this manner.

Duration: Attached power source allows for a max of two hours of use in camouflaged form, thirty minutes of bright projection form, or any combination thereof. Cloak’s power source requires six uninterrupted hours to fully recharge.
-Actual Armor: A set of light body armor marginally altered by Blur to actually provide some protection and padding. Hardly bulletproof, more something like a Kevlar vest and pads on their joints to protect from knives or being flung about by a miniature tornado. It is also relevant to note that the plastic-fibers composite the Cloak consists of has a rather high heat tolerance.

==== Scope ====
Duration: Attached power source allows for a max of eight hours of uninterrupted use as camo, assuming optimal conditions of a stakeout or stalking. Heat-sink fills from passive body heat at a rate that demands that it be vented after thirty minutes, weapons fire and unusual physical exertion fills it at a higher rate.

Blur's almost constantly worn opaque visor. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech.
Beyond that, until FUKKEN COPS steal it again or it otherwise gets broken/lost.

Appearance: A flat and rectangular visor, with three spots for adding lenses. Attached to Blur’s head with a strap. Lenses are thin and fragile sheets of plastic in various colors, and usually carried in a tough metal case.
==== Second-Edition Scope ====

Abilities: Scope can hold up to three lenses. The lenses themselves work to filter a specific subset of light either into or out of her visible spectrum. For example, one given lens filters out the color purple from her sight, thus purple objects appear invisible. Another given lens filters infrared light into her visible spectrum, allowing her to perceive that subset of light.
Blur's almost constantly worn opaque visor. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech. Considerably revamped after the PRT stole her last one

Duration: Until the lenses are broken.
Appearance: A flat and rectangular visor, with four spots for adding lenses. Attached to Blur’s head with a strap. Lenses are thin and fragile sheets of plastic in various colors, and usually carried in a tough metal case.

Notes: It is costly and time-consuming to create lenses, and even more time-consuming to learn how to deal with the expanded set of perceptions that making a new part of the light spectrum visible creates. Blur has 2 purple-filtering lenses, one green-filtering lens, one red-filtering lens, and one infrared-filtering lens currently in her possession. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech. Additionally has a lens that limits the amount of light perceivable by Blur, in order to not be blinded by other rudefellas' tech.
Abilities: Scope can hold up to four lenses. The lenses themselves work to filter a specific subset of light either into or out of her visible spectrum. For example, one given lens filters out the color purple from her sight, thus purple objects appear invisible. Another given lens filters infrared light into her visible spectrum, allowing her to perceive that subset of light.

==== High-Intensity Flares ====
Duration: Until the lenses are broken or her shit is stolen again.
Notes: It is costly and time-consuming to create lenses, and even more time-consuming to learn how to deal with the expanded set of perceptions that making a new part of the light spectrum visible creates. Blur has a set of three color-filtering lenses (red, purple, green), two adaptive filtering lenses (lets her see out of her cloak), one lens that limits the intensity of light she can perceive (useful for not blinding herself or others with her own tech), and one experimental lens that shifts select radio/infrared transmissions into the visible spectrum (while quite overwhelming initially, a few select transmissions can be isolated to be visible without being bombarded with everything else).
Was relatively trivial to replace and upgrade, now incorporates a relatively untested prototype lens.
==== Higher-Intensity Flares ====

A method of concealment and distraction all in one.
A method of concealment and distraction all in one.
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Appearance: Looks like a cross between a can of spray paint and a smoke grenade’s casing, which is triggered by twisting and removing a metal cap on the top.
Appearance: Looks like a cross between a can of spray paint and a smoke grenade’s casing, which is triggered by twisting and removing a metal cap on the top.

Abilities: Upon triggering, produces a cloud of bright and opaque smoke in a particular color, bright enough to irritate the eyes of onlookers making direct eye contact. Cloud is large enough to conceal a van.
Abilities: Upon triggering, produces a cloud of bright and opaque smoke in a variety of colors, bright enough to deadass blind onlookers in the direct vicinity for a few seconds without some form of eye protection. Cloud spreads obscenely quickly over an area that could conceivably encompass a small parking lot.

Duration: Single-use, five are currently constructed. The smoke cloud produced dissipates completely after ten minutes, while the projected color loses the brightness after two minutes.
Duration: Single-use, three are currently constructed. The smoke cloud produced dissipates completely after two minutes, while the projected color loses the “eye-searing” brightness after ten seconds to shift to a more “mildly irritating to look at” value of brightness.

==== Blackout Bombs ====
==== Margainally-Altered Blackout Bombs ====

Could be said to be an upgraded version of the flares, as well as acting as a sort of "panic button"
Could be said to be an upgraded version of the flares, as well as acting as a sort of "panic button"
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Abilities: Upon detonation, floods an area about the size of a tennis court with dense and pitch black smoke. It is effectively impossible for any spectrum of light to penetrate this smoke, effectively blinding anyone trapped within and obscuring the contents to anyone looking without. Aural imaging (e.g. sonar, some Thinker powers) is unimpeded by this smoke. Notably, Blur herself is affected by this smoke, and her visor is not able to penetrate it.
Abilities: Upon detonation, floods an area about the size of a tennis court with dense and pitch black smoke. It is effectively impossible for any spectrum of light to penetrate this smoke, effectively blinding anyone trapped within and obscuring the contents to anyone looking without. Aural imaging (e.g. sonar, some Thinker powers) is unimpeded by this smoke. Notably, Blur herself is affected by this smoke, and her visor is not able to penetrate it.

Duration: Smoke will naturally dissipate within a half hour, bombs are single-use (although parts of the casing are technically recyclable). Three bombs have been made thus far, only one is typically carried on Blur’s person.
The canister itself now carries a small explosive charge, not high-enough yield to injure someone (unless they opt to touch it for some unholy reason) but more than capable of causing the bomb to go off prematurely via rupturing the casing. Will detonate via either a signal from Blur’s phone or via a deadman’s switch in the event of her capture, because fuck anyone else having access to these.
Duration: Smoke will naturally dissipate within a half hour, bombs are single-use (although parts of the casing are technically recyclable). Two bombs have been made thus far, only one is typically carried on Blur’s person.
==== Some Hella Amped Sunglasses ====
Some lovely mirrored aviators, passed out to teammates to not get blinded inadvertently.
Appearance: Purple Mirrored Aviators (for Lily), Black Mirrored Aviators (for the Meat Panopticon Maids and other Affiliates, other colors available upon request)
Abilities: These sunglasses are a stylish and comfortable means of not getting blinded by friendly fire from Blur! Specifically, they contain a marginally watered-down variant of her lens that filters very bright light from their FoV.
Duration: Until smashed, misplaced, or stolen by dickass cops. Fifteen total have been produced as of right now, and more can be made relatively quickly.
Notes: Lenses for these sunglasses are produced with cheaper ingredients than a Blur-Quality lens, enabling less expensive production thereof.
==== Reprogrammed Decoys ====
Another means of distraction, best suited for preplanned engagements.

==== Lil' Lookout ====
Appearance: The machine bit looks like a disk with a similar vibe and size to a flattened Roomba, with about three emitters on top of said disk. When activated, a preprogrammed hologram (obvs of variable appearance) will be displayed directly above the device.

A body camera that can mount up to two lenses. Useful for gathering info that can be reviewed later.
Abilities: Can be deployed/activated while Blur has LoS of the object to create a momentarily convincing holographic replica of Blur's person (Both variants of Blur in-costume and Cassie out of costume are programmed in). A few autonomous poses/actions are programmed in by default (i.e. taking aim at something in the distance, diving to cover, running away), but the active control of said hologram is limited to mirroring Blur’s current actions. While active, Blur can "detonate" the hologram, causing it to expend the remainder of it's battery via producing a blinding light in lieu of the hologram (countermeasure centered on the hologram emitter, only particularly effective when foes are nearby).

Appearance: A smol and light rectangular body camera, looks kinda like a GoPro. Mounted on her shoulder, under her veil when using her Cloak.
Duration: Has about 20 minutes of battery life, and Blur carries at least two decoys on her when possible. Has two spares stashed away and two more projectors installed in the cabin, until those are stolen/stolen and scavved by cops/otherwise yote.

Abilities: Attached SD card records up to 10 hours of video after which it must be replaced. Said video can be transmitted to the PRTHQ to provide others with a 5-second delayed feed of her actions. Signal is able to be blocked or intercepted by particular powers or equipment '''when transmitting''' (basically anything that would normally fuck with that sorta signal and break the encryption, i dunno tech shit). Camera can mount up to two lenses, although one slot is usually taken up by the particular lens that allows seeing through her veil unimpeded.
==== Prototype Light-Projection Lance ====

Duration: Until camera is broken/stolen/lost, or battery/memory runs out.
A substantially improved ranged weapon, capable of temporarily blinding foes as well attacking more conventionally with laser fire.  

==== Light Projector MkII ====
Appearance: Looks relatively similar to the prior editions of Light-Projectors (thin and angular rifle design with a very short stock), differing from her previous variants with a longer barrel, an additional attachment on the tip (similar to a suppressor on a grody basic bitch ballistic weapon), and the second barrel removed to make space for a long bayonet. A laser sight is attached to the side of the barrel, and a relatively large scope rests atop the Projector. Reloads kinda like a Maliwan Corinthian.

A ranged weapon, capable of temporarily blinding foes as well attacking more conventionally with laser fire.  
Abilities:  Retains similar firing options to her prior Projectors (one beam blinds, the other beam does more direct damage), with some minor upgrades to their destructive yield and shots per powercell. In addition to these upgrades, her rifle now features a long and sturdy bayonet (basically just a thick mass of sharp metal, weighted decently well for blocking blows and about as effective as a decent sword for slashing or stabbing) as well as a supercharger on the tip that considerably amps the yield of the next shot when activated with the drawback of consuming a power cell and producing an obscene amount of heat. (consecutive supercharged shots may warp the barrel to the extent that the Lance is no longer suitable for field use). The sighting mechanism remains as usual: a variable scope that highlights visible eyes in lime green against a desaturated background.

Appearance: Similar to the prototype (thin and angular rifle design with a very short stock) with a more polished finish, along with the addition of a second barrel underneath the first that appears longer and bulkier. A laser sight is attached to the second barrel, and a relatively large scope rests atop the Projector. Reloads kinda like a Maliwan Corinthian.
- Blinding Beam: Retains similar characteristics to prior iterations, with a few enhancements: the beams themselves are brighter, enough to penetrate most forms of eye protection on direct hits and to cause onlookers to have a laser-shaped afterimage in their vision to blink away for a few seconds. Direct hits blind targets for the span of ten seconds (or a turn and some change, if you will), repeated direct hits can and likely will cause some form of permanent eye damage. Miniaturized powercells have enabled a jump from 6 blinding shots/pack to 10 blinding shots/pack.

Abilities: Retains the same qualities from the prior edition of the Projector (first barrel fires a yellow-white beam after three seconds of charging, blinds targets for ~5 sec + afterimage blinky if the eyes are directly hit, effective range is as long as the target's eyes are visible, scope is desaturated and highlights eyes with a lime green color when looked through), as well as some additional capabilities.
When supercharged, beams grow brighter and are split by a lens in a conical column of light, spreading over about a 60-degree angle in the form of a quite bright flash. All onlookers caught within the cone suffer the effects of a direct hit from the baseline beams. Takes about a turn of charging up before being able to fire, another subsequent supercharged shot within the span of a minute will likely cause the supercharger and barrel to catastrophically overheat after firing it.

The second barrel (which must be physically "swapped onto" the Projector via a switch located by the trigger) fires more of a conventionally lethal laserbeam after a 5-sec charging period. This beam is wire-thin, colored a deep royal purple, and is capable of burning through roughly an inch and a half of steel plate. An infrared laser sight is also on the barrel, which can be turned on and off to provide an accurate targeting system.
- Destructive Beams: Retains similar characteristics to prior iterations, with a few enhancements: the royal purple beams are still wire-thin but have a bit more yield behind each shot: enough to punch through a few inches of steel, and more than enough to make exit-wounds on anyone not either a Brute or clad in substantially heavy armor. As these beams are hot enough to near-instantly cauterize wounds, a shot is unlikely to be lethal unless fired at a major organ. A single powercell holds about 5 shots/pack (improved from 3/pack).

Additionally, the Projector has been retrofitted to run off magazine-esque power packs, which provide six Blinding shots or three Lethal shots per pack. (Drain is cumulative, so if Blur were to fire two Blinding shots before swapping to lethals, she would only have two Lethal shots in her pack) Blur typically carries three additional packs on her person.
When supercharged, beams are considerably more focused by a lens, gaining incredible penetration ability (laser can punch through blocks of concrete, exceptionally heavy armor, and everything up to a wildly powerful Brute.) They remain wire-thin, requiring precision shots to do meaningful damage to a target. Takes about a turn of charging up before being able to fire, another subsequent supercharged shot within the span of a minute will likely cause the supercharger and barrel to catastrophically overheat after firing it.

Duration: Until destroyed, lawfully or unlawfully seized, or cannibalized to make something else.
Duration: Until destroyed, stolen by Cum Girl or other FUKKEN COPS, or cannibalized to make something else. Blur carries 7 powercells on her person, the same cells supercharge the Lance and provide ammo for the Lance.

=== Skills and Specializations ===
=== Skills and Specializations ===

Revision as of 20:59, 30 October 2021

Blur in costume
Author /u/TheBluestHedgeroo
Civilian name Cassie Clay
Alignment Villain
Affiliation Be Gay Do Crime (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Tinker (Blaster, Stranger, Thinker), ,
Born (2002-03-27) March 27, 2002 (age 22)
Point Pristine,Idaho
Status Active

Public Information: Was a ward in a small Idaho town for around six months, recently transferred to Ashton. Public would know of her from her somewhat pretentious photography website, showcasing unique images made possible by tinkertech camera lenses.

According to a recent hit piece (?) by the third-party watchdog organization (?) CLOACA, she has reportedly been observed drinking with the leader of the Burnouts (true), has abused her position to get her "homosexual lover" (true) Misfit a favorable position in the Ashton Wards (false),and regularly makes trips to the woods for an unknown purpose (true).

PRT/Protectorate members would likely be aware of her involvement in an ill-fated attempt at infiltrating the Burnouts headquarters (The Speakeasy/Fight Club known as the Ruby Coronet), as well as her involvement in a much more successful mission to retrieve Geode from the custody of the terrorist organization "The Reclaimers".

For reasons presently unbeknownst to most, Blur has decided to go AWOL from the Wards along with her girlfriend Misfit. They seem to have been sighted heading to Devilfish, seeking refuge in the few places their former associates dare to tread: The American Midwest (Or at least, that's what she thinks).

Character Sheet


Blurs current costume(Not necessarily the armor/bigass gun, more so the outerlayer cloak )

Personal: Red hair cut in an odd manner (currently dyed black), knotted ponytail and shaved sides. Somewhat intense appearance, brown eyes and pale skin. Clothing is typically ill-fitting and adhoc, with no real effort to make an outfit match. Tall and lean build.

Costume: (disregard the knife) Mostly made from a hex-patterned Tinkertech material. Layer under the hanging straps of said material is lightly armored and padded, doesn’t offer much personal protection beyond dulling the blows from small blades and punches.

Equipment and Resources


-One kinda clunky motorcycle

-Standard Ward salary + tinkering budget

-Some kinda expensive photography equipment (editing software, nice camera, tripods and such) with a pretty nice laptop.


-First-Aid kit


-A few pairs of cuffs

-Baton she is somewhat practiced with


The Second Cloak

Blur's costume and currently her greatest creation.

Appearance: Similar to her old Ward ‘lampshade’ costume, which might infringe some Protectorate merch copyrights but she didn’t have much to work with beyond mementos, okay? The newest edition of her cloak’s fabric gives it a faded dark grey color when inactive, and adds a bit of bulk beneath it from both light armor and additional subsystems.


-Even More Active Camouflage: By using a variety of sensors built into the hex-patterned fibers that her costume is mostly made of, she can change the color that her costume projects to nearly perfectly match her surroundings. Color updates every twenty seconds (from the one-minute refresh rate of more primitive fibers), allowing near-perfect concealment when slowly slinking or staying still in medium-contrast areas while permitting adequate concealment when jogging or running in low-contrast or poorly lit areas. Running or otherwise moving quickly and carelessly between two high-contrast areas would be counterproductive, and reveal her to most observers.

-Aggressive Heatsink: An apparatus that traps heat produced by her body, weaponry, and other sources mostly within the Cloak to a certain extent. Allows one to evade detection from infrared sensors with the drawback of heating up the interior of their costume quite a bit. This heat can be released as steam via either a discreet vent situated near the legs, or a very indiscreet set of vents situated around her body that can be ‘fired’ to scald melee-range attackers. Supercharged shots produce too much heat to be “masked” in this manner.

-Actual Armor: A set of light body armor marginally altered by Blur to actually provide some protection and padding. Hardly bulletproof, more something like a Kevlar vest and pads on their joints to protect from knives or being flung about by a miniature tornado. It is also relevant to note that the plastic-fibers composite the Cloak consists of has a rather high heat tolerance.

Duration: Attached power source allows for a max of eight hours of uninterrupted use as camo, assuming optimal conditions of a stakeout or stalking. Heat-sink fills from passive body heat at a rate that demands that it be vented after thirty minutes, weapons fire and unusual physical exertion fills it at a higher rate.

Beyond that, until FUKKEN COPS steal it again or it otherwise gets broken/lost.

Second-Edition Scope

Blur's almost constantly worn opaque visor. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech. Considerably revamped after the PRT stole her last one

Appearance: A flat and rectangular visor, with four spots for adding lenses. Attached to Blur’s head with a strap. Lenses are thin and fragile sheets of plastic in various colors, and usually carried in a tough metal case.

Abilities: Scope can hold up to four lenses. The lenses themselves work to filter a specific subset of light either into or out of her visible spectrum. For example, one given lens filters out the color purple from her sight, thus purple objects appear invisible. Another given lens filters infrared light into her visible spectrum, allowing her to perceive that subset of light.

Duration: Until the lenses are broken or her shit is stolen again.

Notes: It is costly and time-consuming to create lenses, and even more time-consuming to learn how to deal with the expanded set of perceptions that making a new part of the light spectrum visible creates. Blur has a set of three color-filtering lenses (red, purple, green), two adaptive filtering lenses (lets her see out of her cloak), one lens that limits the intensity of light she can perceive (useful for not blinding herself or others with her own tech), and one experimental lens that shifts select radio/infrared transmissions into the visible spectrum (while quite overwhelming initially, a few select transmissions can be isolated to be visible without being bombarded with everything else).

Was relatively trivial to replace and upgrade, now incorporates a relatively untested prototype lens.

Higher-Intensity Flares

A method of concealment and distraction all in one.

Appearance: Looks like a cross between a can of spray paint and a smoke grenade’s casing, which is triggered by twisting and removing a metal cap on the top.

Abilities: Upon triggering, produces a cloud of bright and opaque smoke in a variety of colors, bright enough to deadass blind onlookers in the direct vicinity for a few seconds without some form of eye protection. Cloud spreads obscenely quickly over an area that could conceivably encompass a small parking lot.

Duration: Single-use, three are currently constructed. The smoke cloud produced dissipates completely after two minutes, while the projected color loses the “eye-searing” brightness after ten seconds to shift to a more “mildly irritating to look at” value of brightness.

Margainally-Altered Blackout Bombs

Could be said to be an upgraded version of the flares, as well as acting as a sort of "panic button"

Appearance: Flask-shaped canister about as tall and wide as a can of shaving cream. Armed by twisting the cap on top of the canister, three second fuse time.

Abilities: Upon detonation, floods an area about the size of a tennis court with dense and pitch black smoke. It is effectively impossible for any spectrum of light to penetrate this smoke, effectively blinding anyone trapped within and obscuring the contents to anyone looking without. Aural imaging (e.g. sonar, some Thinker powers) is unimpeded by this smoke. Notably, Blur herself is affected by this smoke, and her visor is not able to penetrate it.

The canister itself now carries a small explosive charge, not high-enough yield to injure someone (unless they opt to touch it for some unholy reason) but more than capable of causing the bomb to go off prematurely via rupturing the casing. Will detonate via either a signal from Blur’s phone or via a deadman’s switch in the event of her capture, because fuck anyone else having access to these.

Duration: Smoke will naturally dissipate within a half hour, bombs are single-use (although parts of the casing are technically recyclable). Two bombs have been made thus far, only one is typically carried on Blur’s person.

Some Hella Amped Sunglasses

Some lovely mirrored aviators, passed out to teammates to not get blinded inadvertently.

Appearance: Purple Mirrored Aviators (for Lily), Black Mirrored Aviators (for the Meat Panopticon Maids and other Affiliates, other colors available upon request)

Abilities: These sunglasses are a stylish and comfortable means of not getting blinded by friendly fire from Blur! Specifically, they contain a marginally watered-down variant of her lens that filters very bright light from their FoV.

Duration: Until smashed, misplaced, or stolen by dickass cops. Fifteen total have been produced as of right now, and more can be made relatively quickly.

Notes: Lenses for these sunglasses are produced with cheaper ingredients than a Blur-Quality lens, enabling less expensive production thereof.

Reprogrammed Decoys

Another means of distraction, best suited for preplanned engagements.

Appearance: The machine bit looks like a disk with a similar vibe and size to a flattened Roomba, with about three emitters on top of said disk. When activated, a preprogrammed hologram (obvs of variable appearance) will be displayed directly above the device.

Abilities: Can be deployed/activated while Blur has LoS of the object to create a momentarily convincing holographic replica of Blur's person (Both variants of Blur in-costume and Cassie out of costume are programmed in). A few autonomous poses/actions are programmed in by default (i.e. taking aim at something in the distance, diving to cover, running away), but the active control of said hologram is limited to mirroring Blur’s current actions. While active, Blur can "detonate" the hologram, causing it to expend the remainder of it's battery via producing a blinding light in lieu of the hologram (countermeasure centered on the hologram emitter, only particularly effective when foes are nearby).

Duration: Has about 20 minutes of battery life, and Blur carries at least two decoys on her when possible. Has two spares stashed away and two more projectors installed in the cabin, until those are stolen/stolen and scavved by cops/otherwise yote.

Prototype Light-Projection Lance

A substantially improved ranged weapon, capable of temporarily blinding foes as well attacking more conventionally with laser fire.

Appearance: Looks relatively similar to the prior editions of Light-Projectors (thin and angular rifle design with a very short stock), differing from her previous variants with a longer barrel, an additional attachment on the tip (similar to a suppressor on a grody basic bitch ballistic weapon), and the second barrel removed to make space for a long bayonet. A laser sight is attached to the side of the barrel, and a relatively large scope rests atop the Projector. Reloads kinda like a Maliwan Corinthian.

Abilities: Retains similar firing options to her prior Projectors (one beam blinds, the other beam does more direct damage), with some minor upgrades to their destructive yield and shots per powercell. In addition to these upgrades, her rifle now features a long and sturdy bayonet (basically just a thick mass of sharp metal, weighted decently well for blocking blows and about as effective as a decent sword for slashing or stabbing) as well as a supercharger on the tip that considerably amps the yield of the next shot when activated with the drawback of consuming a power cell and producing an obscene amount of heat. (consecutive supercharged shots may warp the barrel to the extent that the Lance is no longer suitable for field use). The sighting mechanism remains as usual: a variable scope that highlights visible eyes in lime green against a desaturated background.

- Blinding Beam: Retains similar characteristics to prior iterations, with a few enhancements: the beams themselves are brighter, enough to penetrate most forms of eye protection on direct hits and to cause onlookers to have a laser-shaped afterimage in their vision to blink away for a few seconds. Direct hits blind targets for the span of ten seconds (or a turn and some change, if you will), repeated direct hits can and likely will cause some form of permanent eye damage. Miniaturized powercells have enabled a jump from 6 blinding shots/pack to 10 blinding shots/pack.

When supercharged, beams grow brighter and are split by a lens in a conical column of light, spreading over about a 60-degree angle in the form of a quite bright flash. All onlookers caught within the cone suffer the effects of a direct hit from the baseline beams. Takes about a turn of charging up before being able to fire, another subsequent supercharged shot within the span of a minute will likely cause the supercharger and barrel to catastrophically overheat after firing it.

- Destructive Beams: Retains similar characteristics to prior iterations, with a few enhancements: the royal purple beams are still wire-thin but have a bit more yield behind each shot: enough to punch through a few inches of steel, and more than enough to make exit-wounds on anyone not either a Brute or clad in substantially heavy armor. As these beams are hot enough to near-instantly cauterize wounds, a shot is unlikely to be lethal unless fired at a major organ. A single powercell holds about 5 shots/pack (improved from 3/pack).

When supercharged, beams are considerably more focused by a lens, gaining incredible penetration ability (laser can punch through blocks of concrete, exceptionally heavy armor, and everything up to a wildly powerful Brute.) They remain wire-thin, requiring precision shots to do meaningful damage to a target. Takes about a turn of charging up before being able to fire, another subsequent supercharged shot within the span of a minute will likely cause the supercharger and barrel to catastrophically overheat after firing it.

Duration: Until destroyed, stolen by Cum Girl or other FUKKEN COPS, or cannibalized to make something else. Blur carries 7 powercells on her person, the same cells supercharge the Lance and provide ammo for the Lance.

Skills and Specializations

-Pretty skilled in amateur photography and related editing software

-Fantastic eye for color, able to easily pick out contrasts and identify colors down to a few hex codes.

-Good distance runner.

-Passable in hand-to-hand combat, knowing what she is supposed to do without quite knowing how to do it.


Fiercely competitive and perfectionistic, but is trying to learn how to put that aside in her professional life. Quick to compliment or criticize people who deserve it. Dislikes opening up to people or showing her face outside of costume, but feels much more confident in costume. Somewhat naive due to her upbringing. Has presently mellowed out a tad due to Lily's influence + leaving behind her old hella professional vocation, but the added stress from being a fugitive isn't doing her any favors.


Blur is a tinker with a specialty in tech that produces, manipulates, and receives light. Incapable of creating solid “hardlight” constructs. In addition, most of her tech requires an obscene amount of energy to run, limiting the effectiveness of it in the field.

Trigger type Single, natural. Can second-trigger.